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The first day of school was the worst day of my life literally. When I was at school, I saw my ex-boyfriend standing by the doorway kissing another girl.
Thinking out loud I said, "This is going to be a horrible day".
The guy right next to me, who I didn't know said, "At least you don't see your ex kissing another person". He thought I was talking about being at least 10 minutes late. After walking inside the guy left and I didn't see him anywhere. I was about to ask him who he was so that I wouldn't be alone in having a bad day.
After I got inside I walked around looking for my locker, when I found it I saw that same guy that talked to me about his ex by my locker trying to open it. I went up to him and said that this was my locker not his. We both showed each other the piece of paper we got, it showed that we had the same locker. Running to the office we quickly asked why we had the same locker. They said it's because they have no more available lockers left in the school. I was ok with sharing a locker with him but he got angry. When the office lady said that he flipped out saying he couldn't share a locker with a girl. He even asked if he could share a locker with someone else.
Hearing this I said, "Do you have a problem with me being a girl? I promise I won't try to be messy and I won't put up anything in the locker that we don't need." He must have forgotten I was there because when I said that his face turned bright red. He gave up on what he said and started saying he would never be able to fit his stuff with someone else's stuff in the same locker. The office lady gave him a look. It said well you're just going to have to learn to live with it. We left the office, on our way back to our locker it was quiet. We got to our locker finally and he opened it.
I said to him, "You should know my name, it's Angela Lieben, but call me Angel".
He said," My name is Jacob Meter I just moved here over here this summer."
I said, "Nice to meet you Jacob but I got to go so bye."After I left him I found my first class choir and saw my friends for the first time in a week I was so happy to see them that I jump hugged them. My best friend Gloria was ecstatic because she was a grade above me, and we were in the same class together. Rose hates getting hugged and punched me in the stomach. We then sat together because we're all second sopranos. When I told them what happened to me that morning they thought it was stupid that the high school didn't have enough lockers for everyone.
They said, "Maybe they're just being mean to the freshmen". I told them how could the school do that by putting a cute guy and me together in a locker. They thought by me saying that Jacob was cute that I liked him. I didn't, I'm a sucker for dark blond hair and blue green eyes, Jacob has all of that. I said this to them and they did not believe me of course. I told them that I didn't want to date this year because I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do and boys would just be a distraction they just shook their heads like that was never going to happen. What I told them was true I didn't decided yet if I want to do something with art or become a teacher. I was really mad at them for shaking their heads, but I forgave them because just then the bell rang.
Finding my 1b class was hard because all the numbers were mixed up on the doors and I didn't go to orientation. It was just after me and Alex broke up so I really did not want to go. Any way I finally found my 1b class which was heath, and when I got there the door was closed so I had to knock on it finally the door open and my middle school health teacher Mrs. Bitch real name Mrs. Birch was the one opening it. She asked me where my pass was I said that it was the first day of school and that I did not know where this room was.
She looked at me in the eyes and said, "If you are ever late again you will get a detention and now that you know that go get a pass."I then left and got a pass. When I returned I again had to knock on the door Mrs. Bitch opened it again I gave her the pass, and she let me in as soon as I got in everyone started laughing. At first I thought it was at me then I looked at the board where someone put Mrs. Bitch then I started laughing as well. Finding a seat was hard because there were so many people in the room when I found my seat it was right next to Alex. The whole class period he did not talk to me, look at me, nothing which is not like him at all even if he is mad at me.
I tried starting a conversation because I knew all the rules already, I said to him, "I saw you with that girl outside, and I want to say that I'm ok with you dating other girls I have gotten over breaking up". Then I waited for him to say something but he never did because just after I said that the bell rang.
My second block class was easy to find and it was right next to the lunch room the only thing I was worried about was that it was science and we might have to dissect some things. After he went over the rules he asked if we had any questions so I asked him if we had to dissect anything his answer was no but we are apparently going to build something at the end of the term he did not say what though. When he said this all I could think was oh crap I can't make or build anything to save my life.
The bell rang time for lunch now I finally see my friends, but I just realized I forgot my money in my bag in the locker so I run out to my and Jacobs locker and I see Jacob standing there looking like he did not know where to go so I go up to him and say that it is time for lunch he said he knew that he just forgot what our locker combo was. I reminded him what it was by saying it out loud as I opened our locker.
He got his money I got mine then my friend Gloria came over and said to Jacob, "So you're the guy Angel was talking about during choir and she was right you are cute". I was so mad at her that I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the door outside, and she was screaming the whole way.
I let her go and said, "Why did you have to say that in front of him? You totally embarrassed me and yourself by saying that." She started saying she was sorry and that it was sops to be a joke. I told her that it was ok I should have not reacted in that way I was just pissed because I had a bad day. She looked at me and we started laughing as we left the high school to go get lunch. Ending up at the Pig we got our food and sat outside where people were just staring at us like we were not supposed to be there and talking about my brother who is weird and is a junior in the high school. We left because I felt that it was rude that they were say mean things about my brother in front of me when they all knew who I was. When we left me being the klutz that I am I fell down the steps not even realizing that they were there and everyone started laughing.
I said, "Well this is just perfect I have been having a bad day and now I fall. Great just great". Gloria helped me up and we walked back to the school together because I messed up my ankle. We went to the office and they gave me an ice pack telling me that I should get my ankle checked out, but that it was near the end of the school day so they would not let me go home. They basically said I could go home if my ankle swells up anymore then it was and if it turns darker they will also let me go home. When they were saying this I was thinking oh crap I can't go weightlifting for awhile if my ankle is broken and I already had a bad day, and I can't go today because of this stupid ankle John is going to be so pissed. Then the bell rang and me and Gloria left the office me holding on to Gloria because it hurt really bad just putting my foot on the ground in fact it hurt so bad that whenever I did that my eyes started watering. Gloria asked me if I could go the rest of the way by myself because we had different classes I said yes not saying to her that when I put my weight on that foot that it hurts. Going the rest of the way to my and Jacobs locker was probable almost as painful as having a baby I thought in my mind that day but I decided much later on that that it wasn't that bad. When I got there the locker was already open and Jacob was standing in front of the locker.
I said to Jacob, "Hi can you grab my notebook and folder for me". He turned around with a questioning look on his face then he saw that I kept picking my right leg up and when I put it down I would barely put my weight on it. He asked what happen I said I was being a klutz and forgot that there were stairs going down from the area where I and Gloria were sitting. He then asked what was my next class I said it was English. He said he didn't have that next but he could help me get to it I said yes and thank you. My face was burning the whole time for looking so stupid and helpless.He and I found my class which was not that hard to get to and then he said good bye and I said thank you again. He left as I was hobbling inside the English room. When I asked the teacher if I could sit in the back because of my ankle he said no. This made me feel like he was going to be a horrible teacher and that I was going to do badly in this class. The whole time I was in that room I had to keep my leg up until it fell because the leg fell asleep then I screamed in pain and got sent to the office again.
At the office they said the same thing to me before except that they called my mom to come pick me up so that I could get my ankle checked out but that my mom did not answer their phone call so they called an ambulance. They also said that my brother was there to go in the ambulance with me so my mom could know I was safe. Then the ambulance came, and I finally saw my ankle the first time in what felt like an hour it looked horrible it was like this huge blue/purple ball that was around my foot that was at a weird angle.
At the hospital I got told that my ankle was broken in two different places and that they had to put it into a cast. Once my foot was in the cast and I was in the recovery room my mom came into the room. She asked what happened and I told her we both laughed at what happened. Then the nurse came in with some crouches and said it would take me 8 weeks for my ankle to heal. She said I would need physical therapy and that I might not be able to do sports after the six weeks are done because it might hurt the bones even more. It took me two months to finally be able to weigh lift and throughout that whole two months I was in really bad pain. I also got a new found respect for physical therapy and it made me decide I wanted to help people so I thought of being a nurse which is what I felt was right for me and I still do. I told my mom that I wanted to be a nurse and she told me about the time that she thought of being a nurse. She had a horrible time by getting really grossed and getting sick. I told her I would love it and that I was going to be a nurse no matter what she thought of it because I'm not the same person as her. She believed me and that was the end of our conversation from that day on I was happier for a few days until I accidentally grabbed Jacob's notebook for my last block which was Spanish I looked inside the notebook thinking it was mine until I read it. The notebooks first page was really weird and said this exactly.

Jacob 1/29/13
When I first saw her I thought she was a figment of my imagination even though I saw my ex before I saw her so it couldn't have been. Then I saw her again going to the same locker and she smelled so good which made me hungry. I knew I would not be able to be by her if we shared a locker cause all I wanted to do at that time was to be by myself, and to not hurt anyone ever again. She took my not being her locker partner very badly which means she thought I did not want to be her locker partner because she is a girl. I did not want to seem like a jerk so I decided I could live with her as long as she stayed away from me. The only issue I have with this plan is that I want to get to know her because she could be the one I have been waiting for, for so long. I just hope she is the one I have been expecting to help me NOT KILL ANYONE ANYMORE. I have been staying away from people by myself by killing animals there not as good, but they help me not kill anyone. She will help me more though by curing me once I find her. If this girl is her, she will have to be told what I am, which I'm not going to like because most girls freak out right away.
Jacob 2/13/13
She is the person I have been waiting for I saw her in a dream last night helping me turn back to a normal person.
That was the first page it freaked me out at first to read it but then again I had a dream about him a few nights ago. The dream was about him telling me what he is, and then I'm helping him turn back into a human at the end though I lose him. I thought isn't that a weird dream, but then I remembered I get dreams like that all the time. So after class I went to go talk to him and say to him that I had just read his diary, but he was nowhere to be seen then I remembered he was gone today. Shit I said in my head then I started packing to go home because it was the end of the day.
When I got into the door of my house I saw him, I was a little scared at first but then chilled out when I saw that he was alone. I got scared again thinking why is he alone in my house.
He looked at me and said, "We need to talk."

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