More Than One Mask (T)

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More Than One Mask written by Gorseclaw99

More Than One Mask written by Gorseclaw99

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Do I like the picture in your cover? Yes. But I don't like much else. The font is hard to read and sized a little weird, and I can't find the author's name anywhere. I'd recommend sending the picture you have to a graphic designer and seeing what they can do to make this look more professional. I have a bunch in my graphic resources reading list.

I like your title. I don't entirely know what it means yet, but it's interesting and definitely unique, which is all you really need.


So, a couple things. For one, don't put that warning right at the beginning, put it at the end. Start your blurb off not with 'featured this many times' or 'shortlisted here and there'. To be frank, I could care less what you've been awarded or what your warnings are before I have any clue what your books is about.

Your blurb is a little too short for my taste—not because I just don't like the length, but because I feel like I don't have enough information. You start off with a name, which is again something I don't like. Then your blurb doesn't really make much sense because who in the world is Cherry. Here's my rewrite of your hook:

She's had a hard life, and the death of her friend and mentor hasn't made it any better.

I can't rewrite the rest of your blurb since I don't know the full story, but I recommend you go in there, clean up the confusion surrounding this Cherry and then add in more info on the story overall. Where is Jessica going, who exactly is she training, who is she going to meet? Some things to consider.

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Semicolons separate independent clauses, which mean in theory, a period and a semicolon are interchangeable in terms of comprehension. However, semicolons are used to link these two separate clauses because although they are independent, they're still related closely to each other. Look at this example from your writing:

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