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No one would have predicted this. Not even Dumbledore as great a man as everyone thought he was. No one. And for someone who was supposed to save the wizarding world, no one would have thought that he would have to save the world from his own father. But would he fight his father?

Yet here he stood in front of the grand manor with the very person he was supposed to fight just a few metres away. However, he only aim, was to talk and if he were to die, he wouldn't go down without a brawl.

He was walking into the lion's den a slight bit nervous but resolved. He felt like he had to be here.

This needed to be done.

It must be done.

His whole life had been a lie. And in a few minutes, he would know the truth. The truth from the man himself and not just a friend. It was definitely a hard truth but he was ready for it.

The door slowly opened to reveal a middle aged man with long blonde hair looking down menacingly at the dark haired boy who stood outside the door.



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