|| Chapter XXXI ||

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Word Count : 2564 words 


( 10 Years Ago )
( (F/N) (L/N) POV )

***** 28th June, 20XX —— The (L/N) Genocide *****

"Pant, pant, pant....."

It's a joke, I told myself.

Of course it is. No way this is real.

I stumbled on the staircase of the mansion, and made my way towards the second floor as fast as I could.

I need to get to Yui's room.

"Don't hurt the package! Grab them alive!"

I shivered, and continued to run up the stairs, with incessant screaming erupting from the bottom floors. I shook my head, and hot tears threatened to flow out.

This is not how I wanted my birthday to be like.


I murmured incoherently under my breath, hoping that my beloved younger sister would hear me and come running to me, just like how she used to.

My mind forced me to think back to the happy times I spent with her. All the time playing, eating, running around, fighting but then making up, and how she would fall asleep in my arms.

The tears I had been holding back broke through like a dam, and flowed down my cheeks continuously.


I stopped for a second, and wiped my tears on the sleeve of my shirt.

I cannot allow Yui to see me as an unreliable brother. I need to protect her.

"Move up! Ground Floor is clear!"

I shuddered, and ran around the corner.

Just another bend, and I would be smack into Yui's room.

I stood in front of the door, and swung it open as hard as I could.


I breathed a sigh of relief, as I saw my little sister in one piece, hiding under a blanket on her bed, peeking out from one end when she heard the door open so harshly.


"Yui, it's me. Let's go."


She jumped out of the bed, and ran over to me, latching her small, frail arms around me.

"I'm scared," I heard her whisper into my chest, and I picked her up in my arms.

"It's okay. Nii-nii is here now, right?" I cooed softly, and she snuggled her head deeper into my chest. "Everything will be fine."

She nodded, and clutched onto me for dear life.

I sighed, and exited her room, deciding to make my way to my parent's room.

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