chapter 5

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me,"harry went out to take a call then his mother suddenly changed her tone said something really embrrassing and i was so surprised to hear......
harry's mom," i know you are behind harry's money and fame .i know girls like you who do anything for money and fame .
me," what are you talking about? and what you think that i am behind his money? i was so shocked idk what to say ?
harry's mom," i know everything about it and just tell me what do you want? i 'll pay you anything inexchange of harry...
me," (i am not in my mind right now i just know how to react should i be shocked? or should i cry ? idk she is harry's mother how can she treat me like that?).... i am sorry maam i don't get what are you talking about? i don't want his money i really like him not his money...( i was crying inside) then showed up hey what are you guys talking about?
harry's mom," nothing love she is such a sweet girl and i really like her.
harry," thanks mum i knew it that you would like her because she is so special .
me," (i just know what to say )? i just gave smile to harry and said harry i think i should leave now.i'll take cab to hotel
harry's mom," no sweetie harry drop you there is no need to take a cab you are harry's special friend or should i say girlfriend...haha
harry," yeah i'll drop you love ..
me," (she is so fake she is reacting totally different in front of harry) . okay harry your wish and its nice meeting you both take care and again thanx for the lunch .we reached at the hotel.
i am really tired harry i gonna go and just sleep so, bye love  take care....he accompanied me till the room and kissed me and left....
as he left i cried like hell i just don't know what hell happened today .how am i gonna tell harry about all she said to me? she is his mother and why would he believe me ....
harry called me at 9pm hello love ..
harry," hi babe,
how are you now?
me,"yeah! i am fine now actually i was huge meeting your family ...
harry," i knw baby remember new is coming and we are throwing party at my grandpa's house and i am inviting you..
me," oh yeah ! its new year how ?i can forget about it haahaa... but me ? have you talked  to your mother about it.
harry,"no and there is no need to talk to her about inviting you to the party. .. why would she object ? you are family now...and she would happy to see you at the party and i want you to meet my grandpa and my father .
me,"( he just said family omg i am part of his family, did he really mean it ?) yeah sure i would love to meet your the i don't have something good to wear the new year'eve .. and i don't know much about london.

harry," don't  worry i'll take you to shoppping . then i ' ll see you at 4pm ' cause i am going to grandpa ' house i am helping him in arranging the party stuff .you know
me," yeah i 'll understand you enjoy with your grandpa .i'll see you tomorrow bye love take care.
harry," ok bye baby and you too...
me," i just forgot all about she (harry's mom) said to me,  i don't care about her i just care about harry and i am not gonna talk about what happened yesterday? i am gonna start over..i love him and i want him happy .. i can't wait to see him tomorrow............

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