(I have no Idea what to tile this)

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🚨I don't think there are any warnings🚨 If there are any warnings that needs to be added, then please tell.

Touya's POV

This takes place close to the ending of the last chapter. In other words, when Keigo sees the noise flame.

I activate my quirk allowing the building to catch on fire. I then remembered that Crusty wanted me to get someone who was being kept here. So I walked through the fire and saw that at the end of the hallway there was a locked door.

I then used my quirk to melt the door since I don't know the passcode. When the door finally melted I walked in and saw a winged blonde standing by the wall. I didn't notice at first, but after looking him in the eyes I realized who it was.

Because I'm so fucking lazy, I'm not going to redo that whole conversation. So, lets go to right after Hawks fell asleep in Dabi's arms.

When Keigo fell asleep in my arms, I held him closer. Why? Because I needed to protect him from my own quirk that is still burning the building.

After I walk out of the building that is lit up with around a thousand blue flames, I call out to Kurogiri. He then makes a portal for me to walk through.

S: Oi, Dabi!

D: What!?

S: Did you get the person?

D: I did. Where do you want him?

S: Just put him in the spare bedroom. With the door locked shut.

D: Alright.

I then walk to the spare room, which is conveniently right next to mine. Once I place him on the bed, I walk back towards the door. When I got to the door, I looked at Keigo sleeping peacefully. Soon, I walked out of the room. And yes, I did lock the door.

I have no more idea for Dabi as of right now.....So~~

Hawks' POV

I slowly woke up to an unfamiliar place. I started to panic since I was confused as to where I am. I began to think that I'm just going to be hurt and experimented on even more than I already have.

When I realized that I couldn't calm down, I sat down on the bed and curled into a ball. I was slowly crying myself into a sleepy type state. Soon, I heard the door open. I then looked up at the door and saw Touya standing there.

K: Touya...?

T: Hey Kei.

K: Are you going to hurt me.....?

T: What! No! Why would you think that?

K: Because you locked me in here...

He then walked over to me and embraced me into a nice warm hug. I immediately hugged back, not wanted to let him go.

T: Kei, do you want this room to be yours? Or do you want to sleep with me?

K: If I sleep with you, I'll just bother you all the time. And besides. Who would want someone who looks like me.

T: Keigo, There's nothing wrong with how you look. And your not going to bother me, since I want you to be in my room. But of course it is your choice if you want to sleep in my room or not.

K: .....Ok...I'll sleep in your room. But do you have a bed for me to sleep on?

T: Besides mine. No, not really.

K: And it won't be a problem if I sleep on it with you?

T: There won't be any problem with it.

K: But my wings and tail-

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