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"You lied to me," Nick says through the phone.

It takes me a second to register who it is since the phone ringing woke me up. I rub my eyes as the clock on my side table comes into focus. I already regret answering.

"It's three in the morning, Nick," I mumble.

"Did I wake you up?" he asks. He speaks in a whisper now for some reason, but I don't bother trying to figure out why.

"Yes, I was asleep at 3am. What a shocker." I roll over to the other side of my bed to where the window is. I can hear some cars on the street next to my little apartment.

"Well now that you're awake," he continues, "I want to know everything about what you're coding."

"Why? Isn't the whole point of commissioning me was so you didn't have to code anything?"

"My friend had questions that I didn't know the answer to, and now he's going to stop believing me." Nick sounds almost distressed about being caught in a lie.

"What's your friends name?" I ask quietly, only really halfway in the conversation with my eyes closed.

Nick pauses. I don't know why he pauses when his friends name is something simple.

"It's uh.. It's Clyde," Nick says with a sense of hesitation. I choose not to question it.

"You tell Clyde that it's none of his business, and that he'll see it when it's done." My voice is muffled from the blanket I threw over my head, but I think Nick gets that point.

"He won't take that answer." I can imagine someone shaking their head with this statement. "Clyde doesn't take no for an answer when it comes to this stuff."

Well Clyde sounds like a dick then.

"Do you have any other coder friends? Have them help with the lingo." I yawn, just wanting out of this conversation in all honesty.

"Yeah, his name is... Gary."

"Can Gary help you?"

"No, he'll tell Clyde to be funny." Nick seems a little disheartened for a moment.

I sigh, knowing that I'm only about to say my next words because it's three in the morning. "I'll help you, Nick."

"Really?" Excitement fills his voice.

"But I do the coding by myself and only help you with the terms, got it?"

I can hear something ruffle, which makes me think he actually nodded his head. "Got it. Thank you."

"Yeah, yeah, go to bed, dude," I sigh before hanging up.


Nick has a super top secret identity haha

have an amazing day :)

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