re thinking things

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To an eatery, tharn had his head hung to move it back and forth, to then use his fork to move food about his plate to then sign. Things duma was saying to him started to get to him.
Tharn then placed the fork down, to then wrap his arms about himself to dart his eyes over the unfinished food, he then peered his eyes to the side to eye his phone to then take a hand to it to see what time it was.
30 mintues before eight.
Tharn made a face to then lift his head up and back to look over the sky.
Behind a tree, duma was looking over type who was to a bench, with his arm over the back to be staring forward to the ocean..
Duma took in a very deep breathe to then take his phone from his pocket too then eye the time.
Shit! I have to do this and soon..
Duma signed.
This goes against everything you stand for...... This man is not the only client who has asked me for this, however he is the only client to know about me and my boyfriend.
Duma gritted his teeth to then place his phone back to look over type once more.
I am so very sorry for this.....
Looking over the sky, tharn then moved his head down to then look over his food once more to think.
Could what duma said he accurate? Should I just leave type alone?
Tharn signed and hard.
"I just can't do that. What I feel.....I haven't since..... But is this the way to go?"
Duma looked over type to then pull out his phone once again to eye the time to make a face.
You have 10 mintues before eight. You need to go and get him.
Duma flexed his jaw to then place his phone back to take in a very deep inhale to then slowly start to go forth..
Tharn started to click his teeth together has he thought.
If this does not happen, you will lose type, he will quit, he will move and you will never see him again. However is kidnapping him the way to go?
Tharn took in a very long breathe to then grab his phone and quick to then send a text.
Moving slowly to type, duma then reached an hand out for him, he then stopped a foot away behind him to feel his phone vibrate on his pocket too then take it out to breathe out in relief.
Duma then turned to leave and quick.
Type then sat up to then look behind him to dart his eyes.
Shrugging when he didn't see anything, he turned his head back to eye over the ocean to be deep in thought.
Going back to his car, duma sat to then place his phone to his ear.
"What has changed? Did you go to his....."
"No. I have not said a word. The plan for him has changed. Keep my contact info. I will call you in a later time."
Duma Furrowed his brow to then take the phone to place it in front of himself to then eye it over.
Duma shrugged to then place his phone to the passenger seat to then start to drive off, he wanted to be with his man.
Tharn slowly placed his phone down to then eye it to use his index finger to start to move it around.
What am I going to do with you now type? I can't let you quit, can't let you move, however I have nothing on you.
Tharn gritted his teeth to then make a face to get up to pay for his food to then slowly start to leave with a small idea on what to do.
Getting up slowly, type moved his arms up to stretch to then go about the bench to go back to his car to go home to start to pack.
Slowly making his way back to his place, type reflected on the last almost 2 years of his life, to then make a face.
Parked in front of his home, type got out to then start to go and slow to his front door to dart his eyes over the ground.
You may miss him, may be in love with him, wish to go back, but what you really need is to move on.
Type gulped to then bring up a hand to wipe away a tear has it started to fall down to then place his key into the door, to then slowly open.
Going in, he took off his shoes to then turn to close and lock the door, to then turn about to then head to his living room to stop to part his lips to look over tharns back, he then furrowed his brow in confusion.
"Tharn..... What are you doing here? And.... What are you.... Reading?"
Tharn closed a file to then turn to wrap his arms about to have it in-between his fingers to look over type..
"So..... Your father is in a coma at a hospital?"
Types eyes widened.
"You son of a...."
Tharn took in a deep breathe to then turn to throw that file to types coffee table to then walk slowly to stand to the other side of him to then look forward.
"I take no pleasure in this. The hospital your father is in, is owned by my mother. So, this is what will happen. If you don't want him to be.....rejected...."
Tharn turned his head to look over type.
"You are not moving, you are not quiting. Listening to me, will result in you not having to pay for your fathers care anymore."
Type balled his hands into fists to either side of his body to shake them a bit.
"You are......such a....."
Tharn made a face to then turn his head forward to look over the back if the door.
"Again. I take no pleasure in this. For the rest of this week, you do not need to come to work. By Monday though..... You need to be there. Understand."
Type gritted his teeth to then turn his head to look with anger at tharn.
"You are an unbelievable bastard!"
Tharn signed.
That I am.
"Be at work, Monday."
Types eyes darted over the empty space to then slowly look forward to grit his teeth.
Tharn then brought his hand to the nob to start to turn, to then widen his eyes has he was pulled back to then be pushed to the door.
He then looked over type who had placed his hands to his face to move his head up to crush his mouth to his, he then placed his hands to tharns wrists to then place them too either side of his head to then move his body on his, to then go to his neck to leave kisses.
Tharn looked forward confused.
"Type? What are you..... To be......?"
"Since I can't beat the living shit out of you for what you are too be doing...."
Type slowly moved his head back to look over tharn.
"I'm going to make you my bitch!"
Tharn raised an eye brow.

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