Chapter Five

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Bella's POV

It's been two weeks since Rosalie moved in with me, she has been texting her old coven member, Alice on updates. After Rosalie had left, Edward went on and on about how there is no way two women could mate and that Rosalie has to be lying to one-up him. He ran off to come and find me, to make me feel the bond; whatever that's supposed to mean. Since then Rosalie makes sure Alice has her "eyes" on him, well she makes her have visions but they haven't been that clear. I keep telling Rosalie to just let him come here, it isn't like he can hurt me. 

"Rosey, please just sit down and stop your speedy pacing. He can't hurt me, I won't allow it." She huffed and sat down, her arms crossed and her head looking at her legs. "Thank you, now can you tell me what's wrong?" She looked back at me and sighed, "I know you can protect yourself, you've proved yourself more than once. But with us being mated but the mate bond isn't completed, I'm super protective of you and you will feel the same if I'm ever in danger. It's hard to explain." I held her hand in mine, I kissed the back of her hand and smiled at her. "I might not know much about mates, but I know I feel close to you. I know I feel protective of you, and I would kill anyone who even thought about hurting you." She smiled and pecked my lips, I hummed and she held my hand a little tighter. 

We sat in comfortable silence and before her phone went off, she grabbed it and I saw her body freeze. I grabbed her phone and read the message, it was from Alice. 'Rose, Edward is almost there. There are two outcomes, he gets Bella or runs off to the Volturi, that's all I can see.' I read it over and over before standing up, I got my coat on and went outside. Rosalie followed close behind me, I sat outside on the steps in the front of the house. Rosalie sat next to me and held onto my hand tightly, I heard rustling coming from the woods and looked towards it. I saw Edward walk out, I looked at Rosalie and she growled at him. He walked over towards me, I stood up and looked him in the eyes. He smiled at me and went to grab my hand, I moved mine away from him and grabbed Rosalie's. He snarled at her and went to grab our hands, I stared at him and froze him. 

He tried to move and I saw the confusion and frustration in his eyes, I growled at him and walked up to him so my face was inches away from his. "Try and touch her again, I dare you. Not only will you lose a hand, but I will burn you from the inside out. Do not test me." I let him go and went back to Rose, he glared at me. "You aren't her mate! I know you're mine!" Before Rosalie could react I kicked him in the chest, sending him flying. I went inside with Rose and growled, she pulled me close. "He's crazy! Who acts like that? I've never met him and all of a sudden he has some claim on me? Like what the fuck," She just held me close and let me yell, I felt her rub my back and I slowly relaxed. 

I pulled away and grabbed my phone, I called Charlie and let him know what was going on. He told me that if I ever needed his help to let him know and to be safe, I hung up the call and sat down. I held my head in my hands and felt the couch dip and looked over, I saw Rosalie sit next to me. She put her hand on my thigh and rubbed it with her thumb, I laid my head on her shoulder and sighed, this was all so overwhelming and I didn't how to handle it all. "I thought when I came here, I would be away from men who tried to control me. First my dad and my ex, now Edward." I heard Rose growl under her breath, she gripped my thigh softly so I looked at her. "I'm sorry the world is full of assholes, I wish I could keep them all away from you but that is almost impossible." I nodded and sighed, I knew she was right but it still sucked.

"What do we do when he goes to the Volturi?" She was silent for a moment, I could tell she was thinking about what to say. "I don't know, I know that we only have my "siblings" on our side. But Carlisle is a great friend of the Volturi, not having him on our side is dangerous. But I know there is no way in changing his mind, once Edward tells him something he believes him." I put my head in my hands, this is getting worse every second. "So either they believe us or they don't, is it just kings?"  She shook her head, "No, the queens are in charge but not only do the queens try and be in charge but Edward and Carlisle think only the men's opinion matters." I rolled my eyes and sighed, this was a fifty-fifty chance of it going well.

I knew deep down Edward wasn't my mate, and even though Rosalie and I aren't full mated doesn't mean I don't feel it. I laid my head on Rose's shoulder and just thought to myself, she rubbed my shoulder and held me close. 

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