Questioning My Fantasy

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Why is it possible to love someone who doesn't know you exist? If the person is super popular and famous, naturally I have to be their equal. But, I don't want to be a princess. 

I love someone who doesn't know that I exist, but that frightens and scares me. I am frightened because maybe they are not interested in me, or they might just want me for something that I can't do. 

I'm scared because what if I hurt them back? That would be terrible. The press and the tabloids would paint the wrong picture. They could call me a whore, or even worse! 

You didn't love them, you only did it for the royalties. But I do love them, even if it is not known in pop culture. I imagine myself being able to do a lot of things with them, which I'd prefer not to write down. 

I look up with blushing cheeks at them on the television screen.

The end. 

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