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Hello, dear Reader

If you're seeing this, then one of three things has happened:

A.) You stumbled upon this randomly, and decided to check it out, possibly because of the cover art

B.) You finished a prior story and saw that the "Sequel" was out, unknowingly stumbling upon the wrong story from that point on

C.) You finished the previous Book Our Silent Lives Conquer Worlds, and now are into this one

If you are any option besides Option C, I urge you to leave this story now and come back once every single story mentioned below is completed and read through:

Cleansing the Waters

The Ship of the Tempest

Family is Stronger than this Feud

The Abyss Calls Out

Forsakened, yet Awoken

Our Silent Lives Conquer Worlds

Once all prior stories are finished, or if you already have finished them all(congrats by the way, that's an estimated 2 days of reading, if not a little more), then I welcome you to the second book of OSLCW, known as Usurpation.

I thank each and every one of you who have real all these stories, and I continue to hope you enjoy my books going forward.

One more note: For those that haven't seen the previous stories, do note that the Remastered editions of each do not count. Each Remaster is non-canon, and the events are not tied to the ones that have happened, nor will happen, so please keep that in mind.

Now, without further ado...I hope you enjoy the 3rd part of the Main Series, and the final part of it...

I hope you enjoy the 3rd part of the Main Series, and the final part of it

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Our Silent Lives Conquer Worlds: Usurpation

OSLCW: UsurpationWhere stories live. Discover now