CHAPTER 84. Daddy Cross To The Rescue

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(Raven goes into little space partway into the chapter, if you don't like little space, don't tell me this chapter annoys you, or that Raven does, I don't care.)

"Here, for you," I offered Nicholas half of my chocolate bar as I sat on River's lap in his office.

NIcholas took it from my hands and smiled. "I think you're spoiled,"

I felt my jaw drop. "Spoiled?! No I'm not! You're spoiled!" I snapped and looked at River's face, touching his cheek. "Can you believe him?"

River set down an envelope and gazed at me. "You spoiled? How could he ever get to that conclusion?"

I nodded and stuck my tongue out at Nicholas. "See? I expect an apology -"

"Incredibly spoiled," Nicholas said in amusement and glanced at the half a candy bar I gave him. I scoffed in my throat and huffed.

"Rude vampire," I pointed at the chocolate. "I even shared my candy with you!"

Nicholas placed the chocolate on his tongue and I watched in outrage as he leaned on the wall and closed his eyes, acting as if he was savoring it. "My sincerest apologies," he told me as his green eyes opened.

I leaned against River and gazed at him suspiciously. "I accept your gracious words," Nicholas bowed his head.

"Why thank you, the amount of relief I feel- I cannot put it into words."

I pointed a finger up at Nicholas. "You're mocking me!"

Nicholas sent me a teasing smile. "What are you going to do about it?"

My lips parted in annoyance. "River, make Nicholas stop," I looked up at the blue eyed vampire, but he wasn't paying much attention. "River? What are you thinking about?"

He blinked and focused on me. "I was making sure I got the right amount of money for Clair,"

"How much are you paying her?" Nicholas asked, not sounding incredibly happy.

River tapped his fingers on the desk. "Twenty an hour- but she demanded money for the time we were in the alternate universe."

My lips parted. "Robbery!" I exclaimed while Nicholas looked at River with a small smile on his lips.

"Good thing you're rich then, she's taking advantage of that," Nicholas mused and looked at his watch. "She should be here shortly, right?"

River nodded and I grabbed a pen from his desk, fiddling with it. "Yes, more annoying was the fact that she's demanding cash,"

I nibbled on the end of the pen, and River took it from me swiftly. I crossed my arms, bored. I had been sitting with him for awhile, or it felt like a while.

I nodded off for a moment, before I began standing, I wanted to find something to do. River wrapped an arm around me, trapping me in his lap as he continued his conversation with Nicholas.

I scowled and looked at the arm trapping me, pushing at it with a frown. It didn't budge. I rocked my head back and forth on River's chest, restless.

My fingers pulled into fists and I rubbed my eyes, sleepily. "River, down," I whined and made a small grunting sound as I pushed at his arm again.

"I don't think so, just sit there for a minute," River told me then went on talking with Nicholas about taxes or something. It was boring either way.

"River," I cried under my breath, shifting in his arms, forcing my eyes open, I didn't want to go to sleep. River ignored me though, and I sat still for a moment, nearly just deciding to wait it out.

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