Chapter Fifty-Three

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Harry's plan for the night, for going through that trap door under the giant three-headed dog, is to wait until dark. For Pixie to wait until she hears from Hedwig. It doesn't help her nerves. To know that there is someone in the school at this moment attempting to steal something dangerous. It leaves one's nerves rather on edge. Part of her thought it might have been a better idea just to go straight up to the third floor and get it over with. But if they were caught, they would likely be expelled, as Snape had warned. She hates the thought of getting expelled. She likes it here. She likes learning about magic. But if it comes down to it, she is sure that Ilvermorny in America might take her. She had dual citizenship. That should be easy to swing with her mother being who she is. She has that as a backup, if she pushes, she might be able to get a deal made for Hermione too. She's a great student, Ilvermorny would be lucky to have her. Pixie lets out a breath, sinking into the armchair she is perched in within the Slytherin common room. She glances across the Slytherin common room at where Snape is standing. Hermione was supposed to keep an eye on him, but that seems to have failed, as Snape is in the common room watching Pixie. As if he knows she's up to something. She wonders if she inherited that face from Tony. Because she knows when he is up to something by his face. She rolls her eyes and then looks down at her lap where there is a large transfiguration book open, and sitting....slithering on the centre of the page is Kaa.

"Must you always argue" She whispers under her breath. The two snake heads share a look before they both turn to her.

"Yes," They both answer at the same time. They weren't even arguing over anything constructive. They both turn back to the book and she lets out a breath, setting her head back against the armchair, closing her eyes. Taking a moment before it all goes down. Pansy comes downstairs from the girls' bedroom and heads straight for Pixie. She hands over a note taken from Hedwig when he'd knocked on the window before she takes the seat next to her friend. Pixie sits up and unrolls it to see that Harry wants her to meet them on the third floor outside of Fluffy's door after everyone else has gone to bed. She lowers the note and lets out a breath.

"Be careful" Pansy whispers to her. Pixie nods and gives her a smirk. She's a Stark. Careful isn't really in her family repertoire. And considering there is the chance that four eleven and twelve-year-olds are about to go up against Voldemort, being careful isn't something that they can do. It might not be a possibility to be safe. She knows how dangerous this is. She knows what people say about him. Though she still thinks he's pretty weak if he couldn't kill a small baby. But still. She is eleven. She is only eleven years old.


Later: Pixie tucks Kaa into her pocket as she sneaks down the Slytherin stairs to the common room. It's so quiet. With only the murmuring of the Black Lake. She peers around the bottom of the stairs. She needs no one to see her. Mostly Snape. He was there when she went up to the bedroom. Just to have some time without him watching her. Snape's nowhere to be seen now. She glances around the common room. No one is around. Which is exactly what she wanted. She steps out and heads towards the dungeon doors.


Pixie doesn't have the luxury of using the invisibility cloak this time. She has to make her way to the third floor on her own without the ability to hide herself from anyone that might be wandering the halls. It's quiet enough though. And she's snuck around at night enough to know Filch's nighttime patrol patterns well enough. She can avoid him easy enough. There is no sign of the others as she reaches the top of the third floor. For a moment anyway. As she moves towards the door, a hand grabs her wrist and yanks her forward, pulling her into the invisibility cloak where Harry, Hermione and Ron are waiting for her.

"Wow, fancy meeting you guys up here" She greets with a soft smile. "Lovely night for it" Ron smirks and looks down trying not to chuckle. "So everything okay?" She asks.

"Aside from someone trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone" Harry answers and gives her a look. "Everything's great" They are all silent for a moment as they process what they are about to do.

"Okay" Pixie breaks the silence. "Are we just going to hang around here all night?" Harry shakes his head and then looks at the door leading to Fluffy and the trapdoor. They find that the door is already ajar.

"Well, there you are," Harry whispers. "Snape's already got past Fluffy." Harry then turns to his friends. "If you want to go back, I won't blame you. You can take the cloak, I won't need it now."

"Don't be stupid," Ron argues.

"We're coming,"

"Yeah, we do this together" Pixie adds softly. Harry glances at each of them, seemingly checking their level of commitment to risking their lives. Each of them is sure though. They are not about to allow Harry to do this himself. Harry takes a deep breath and turns back to the door. None of them can really believe that this is how their year ends. One year. This is a little more trouble than skipping class or something so muggle. This might just kill them. And if they fail, if this is really Voldemort, the stakes are so much higher. Pixie lets out a breath. Saving the world, possibly. That's in her blood. This should be easy for her. Yet she is so nervous. Ron's fingers brush against hers before he threads them together. Taking her hand. Pixie glances at him but he keeps his eyes on the door as they follow Hermione and Harry towards the door. Pixie finds a little comfort in it. Perhaps they both need it. A way to root themselves to some form of strength, to one another. Pixie clutches to his hand.

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