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It was the marriage day. Everyone were not so happy with this marriage as their future lord was marrying a hybrid. Taehyung felt that but he couldn't do anything,he wanted to be selfish and marry Eunwoo.

Jungkook,as his image was, was smiling at every single guest. If you'll see Jungkook then you wouldn't say that he was the King. He acted with so much patience and kindness with everyone never caring about his position.

Jungkook firstly welcomed Taehyung's parents with a smile at which they bowed to Jungkook.

"Thank you, your grace.....for accepting our son." Hoseok said politely at which Jungkook smiled too.

"No, Mr. Kim. I'm grateful of you to give your precious son to us. Thank you, for that." Jungkook said and Hoseok just smiled.

"It means a lot, your grace." Serena said and Jungkook just shooked his head with a smile.

"Oh my god, Taehyung...... you're looking so beautiful! I bet, Eunwoo won't be able to control~~" Jimin said making Taehyung blush.

"Shut up~! Aren't you more excited than me?" Taehyung said while glaring at Jimin and Ari.

"Huh? Why not? Our bestie is getting married and already leaving us." Ari said while wiping her fake tears.

"So dramatic haha!" Taehyung said in pure sarcasm and rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes otherwise I'll mess your makeup." Ari warned Taehyung who sighed.


"Eunwoo,my son..... you're looking so pretty." Lucia said and Eunwoo smiled at her.

He bent down to grab Lucia's hands.

"Thank you for giving birth to me, eomma. But look ....what I did to you." Eunwoo said as he looked at Lucia's paralyzed body.

"No baby.....it's not your fault. It's my fault. By the way,leave my sickness and take care of Taehyung. You know how much are behind him now." Lucia said and Eunwoo nodded.

"Yes, Eomma. I'll." Eunwoo said and Lucia smiled at him.

"Even though hybrids never brought anything good to this world but we're trying to forget past and live in present so protect him at any cost." Lucia said and Eunwoo chuckled.

"Mom,you won't believe but he's so strong. He literally handled a group of pure vampires by himself." Eunwoo said.

"Future lord, your grace is looking for you. " A guard came and informed Eunwoo who nodded and left a shocked Lucia behind.

"No no ..... history is repeating itself but just in different dimensions....." Lucia mumbled as she was so shocked after hearing whatever Eunwoo said.


"I give this ring as a sign of my love.”  Eunwoo said as he slipped the ring in Taehyung's finger. Everyone clapped present in the wedding ceremony.

"I give this ring as a sign of my love.” Taehyung followed too and slipped the ring in Eunwoo's finger.

"Our future lord, Jeon Eunwoo. Do you take Kim Taehyung as your wedded husband . Complete your vows." The priest said.

"In the name of God, I, Jeon Eunwoo, take you, Kim Taehyung, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow." Eunwoo said as everyone waited for Taehyung now.

"Kim Taehyung,do you take Jeon Eunwoo as your wedded husband? Complete your vow." The priest said as Taehyung's heart was beating so fast.

"In the name of God, I, Kim Taehyung, take you, Jeon Eunwoo, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow." Taehyung completed and everyone present there clapped.

"You may kiss now and seal this bond purity." The priest said and Eunwoo smiled at Taehyung who smiled back.

(A/n: sorry,I don't know much about Western culture :) )

The kiss was short but full of love and positive energy. Everyone present there clapped in celebration.

"You're looking so beautiful." Eunwoo whispered in Taehyung's ears.

"You yourself looking so hot, Jeon Eunwoo." Taehyung boldly said at which Eunwoo smirked.

"Sure, Jeon Taehyung." Eunwoo said making Taehyung blush crazily.

"Woohoo! My bestie is married now! I'm single ass now-! *hiccup* you~~" Jimin was already drunk and Ari was having difficulties while handling drunk Jimin.

Jimin's eyes suddenly glowed orange at which Eunwoo got confused.

"What happened?" Eunwoo asked to Jimin as vampires eyes didn't glow orange normally.

"Huh? Taehyung....~~ take care OFFFFFFF him!" Jimin slurped as his eyes went back to normal colour.

"He's drunk." Ari said and dragged Jimin from there.

Eunwoo then gifted Taehyung something which was wrapped in glittering paper.

"So.... where's my gift?" Eunwoo said near to Taehyung's ear.

"Here." Taehyung seductively. said while pointing towards himself.

"Can't wait to unwrap my gift." Eunwoo whispered in Taehyung's ear making him blush more crazily.

Eunwoo then left cherry Taehyung behind when Eunwoo's friends called him.

"This guy!" Taehyung mumbled.

Taehyung then went to talk to his parents not noticing the blood red eyes which were following his every action.


Hola lovelies 😘😘😘

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 🌚💅

Short chapter....hehe sorry.

Is this story going ok?


Love y'all

Don't give up because you matter ❤️

Boragays 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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