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Kim's POV

"Hiii" I heard somebody squeal behind me and recognizing the voice I turned around with a small smile lingering on my lips.

"Hey" I breathe out as she hand me one of the two cups of coffee she had.

"You ok?, you look like a panda" she giggle when I roll my eyes and snort at her.

"I don't look that bad" I mumble before looking up when I heard the click of heels only to be recognized as Ms. Monroe head towards us but not exactly towards us, she's heading to her office which was right behind us.

"Good morning boss" Valeria said with a polite smile but only to be ignored and the office door being shut.

"Ouch" she mumble looking slightly offended but sighed then look at me.

"I'll see you at lunch" she said and I hum, she then nod before turning and heading to the elevator while I head to the office.

Entering the office I walked up to her desk muttering a small morning before giving her the coffee and head to me desk then sat down taking a sip of mines.

I quickly got to work, organizing the papers then stomping them, the office remained quiet you could only hear the clicking and typing from the computer and the stomping and flickering from the paper.

As I do what I'm supposed to be doing thoughts begun to consume me, I've been feeling like shit for the past few days since me and Angelina talked we haven't talked since that day and I now know what she's feeling, no matter how much I miss her I still wanted her to gave a good time with out any interruption from me.

I hadn't texted or called her ever since and no matter how many times I tried I could never really press the button, it just feels weird that she isn't here or that I'm not hearing her annoying voice anymore and I know it's all my fault.

"Everyone look it's miss cry baby" the boy teased and everyone laughed as I stood there crying.

Ever since the first day they've always been bullying me and me being the cry baby I am did nothing back.

It wasn't long someone was sent flying to the locker and the hall got quiet no one moved an inch or talked while I sat there on the floor with my hands now over my face.

Hearing a grunt then a chuckle my head shot up to a brunette haired girl with blue eyes held with the scariest look I've ever seen.

Her head then snap to mines and I gulp but she only smiled at me then reached a hand out.

"Hey I'm Angelina" her smile then replace with a smirk when she saw my red cheeks.

I hadn't took her hand the exact time but I did after a while, being called to the principal I thought she would get in trouble but she didn't cause no one talked or said anything other than the fact that Chad was bullying me.

I got to go home and so did Angelina, we would talk at school all the time but I was still shy and not very talkative mainly because I've never had a friend before and I didn't want to lose her.

We became unstable and troublemakers together always getting in trouble and we were only 4.

We had our fair share of fights, I always end up crying and she always end up hushing me and apologizing.

We stopped talking at one point and I hated it because I knew I was the one at fault I hated that she started hanging out with Brittany more than me....actually she didn't I was just jealous so of course that's what I thought.

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