thirty two

540 17 1

Going straight to Hermione to see if she had any clues, Heather found a piece of paper in Hermione's hand. She read the note and knew. "What's that?"

"Ron, this paper is the reason why Hermione was in the library the day she was attacked." Heather tells him as she looked at him. "Let's go!"

The two walked out of the infirmary as Heather read the piece of paper. "Of the many fearsome beasts that roam our land, none is more deadly that the basilisk." She read. "It's capable of living for hundreds of years, instant death awaits any who meet this giant serpent's eye. Spider flee before it...Ron, this is it. The monster that is in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk." She says. "That's why I can hear it speak. It's a snake."

Ron thought for a moment before responding to something that didn't make sense. "But if it kills by looking people in the eye, why is it that no one's dead?"

Heather thought for a moment. She looked at her reflection before getting the answer. "Because no one did look it in the eye." She says. "Not directly, at least." Heather looked at her friend. "Colin saw it through his camera. Justin..." Heather started to think. "Justin must have seen the basilisk through Nearly Headless Nick. Nick got the full blast of it, but he's a ghost. He couldn't exactly die again." She sighed. "Then Hermione...had the mirror. I bet you anything she was using it to look around corners in case it came along."

"And Mrs. Norris?" Ron asked. "I'm pretty sure she didn't have a camera or a mirror, Heather."

"You're right." She says as she looked at the floor. "It's the water. Think Ron, there was water on the floor that night. She only saw the basilisk's reflection."

Looking at the paper in her hand, Heather went to the fire to see the paper more. "Spider flee before it." She reads again. "It all fits, Ron."

"But how's the basilisk been getting around?" Ron asked. "A dirty, great snake, someone would have seen it.

Heather thought about that and looked at the paper. "Here is Hermione's answer." Heather says showing him the paper. "One way to not be seen is the pipes."

"It's using the plumbing." Ron says.

"Remember what Aragog said about that girl 50 years ago?" Ron nodded. "She died in the bathroom. What if she never left?"

"Moaning Myrtle." Ron says.

They heard Professor McGongall's voice. "All students are to return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers to the second floor corridor immediately."

Heather and Ron didn't head straight to their dorm like was told.
Hearing the professors, Heather and Ron hid as they listened. Hearing Snape announce that a girl was snatched causing Heather and Ron to share a look. Hearing Lockhart, the two shared a look as Heather rolled her eyes. "Who is it that the monster had taken?"

"Ginny Weasley."

Heather looked at Ron as he grabbed her hand. Her best friend's sister was in the chamber. When the teacher's left, Heather looked at the wall. "Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever." Ron reads with tears in his eyes.

"We will find your sister." Heather says. "We are going to pay a visit to a certain Professor."
Running into the classroom, Heather started speaking. "Lockhart may be useless,  but he's going to try and get into the Chamber." They ran up the stairs. "At least we can tell him what we know!"

They ran into the professor's office. "Professor, we have some information for you." She says, but stops. Lockhart turned around slamming his suitcase to see Heather and Ron. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Uh, well, yes. Um..." he stutters. "Urgent call. Unavoidable, to go."

Ron spoke up. "What about my sister?"

"Well, to that, most unfortunate." Lockhart responds as he grabs his suitcase. "No one regrets more than I."

Heather grabbed her wand as Ron became angry. "You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." He says. "You can't go now."

Heather watched as he tried to leave. "You seriously are going to run away after what you put in your books." She tells him. "You're nothing, but a fraud."

"Is there anything you're good at?" Ron asked.

"Yes. I'm good with memory charms." He says. "Sadly..." he goes to his wand. "I'll have to do the same to you."

Heather and Ron pointed their wands at him. "I wouldn't even think about it if I was you." Heather says. "Drop it." Lockhart dropped his wand. "Now, you're coming with us."

Lockhart had no other choice, but to go with the two children. Heather was going straight to Moaning Myrtle as she knows where the snake came from when she died. To the third floor girls restroom.

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