1. The Beginning

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Malachy Shute's POV, Monday Morning:

It was Monday morning and I was almost late to school. A dog ran in front of our car on the way and died and we had to try to find its owner; It was tragically left on the side of the road. As I walked into Legoland I was met with a few unruly stares, almost as if everyone knew my prior sin. Naoise Duffy caught my eye, winked, and let out an inconspicuous "Shhhhh..." She then returned to whatever book she was reading as if nothing happened. 

After dumping my books I headed around the corner and was met with a seemingly high strung Peter Keappock "Oh! Hey, how's it going?" "You know how it is." I murmured. "You?" "Never better!" He half screamed, it was clear something was going on, but I got the impression that he didn't want to talk about it. "What have you got first?" "We've all got maths..?" He definitely wasn't at his wits, I was about to properly check on him but was interrupted by the bell.


"Shit, neither of us want to be late for maths, do you wanna talk later though?"

"I can't I have to... help my dad with something." He seemed to be making that excuse up on the spot, but I thought it best not to press him on it. "OK I'll see you in English." Peter had already started leaving, and my books were locked behind Sophie Reid and Luke Hogan -and my lock of course, but that's not the point- who always spend ages talking to each other. Honestly I don't know how they ever get anywhere on time. 

Accepting my tardiness, I decided to talk to Dylan who had just walked in. He didn't seem too worried about being late for Mrs. Maher, but then again, he never was. "Late again Dylan, what is it this time? Stepped in shit? A tree fell in front of your house?" With an unenthusiastic smile, he responded "Uh no actually, my dog died. Somebody hit her with their car and left her on the side of the road. We had our address on the collar, and everything but I guess they were feeling extra evil today." Shit we never checked the collar, it's always on the collar, why didn't we look? 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. If you need anything just say so. And again... I'm sorry that happened" As Luke finally left and I opened my locker it hit me. I killed Dylan's dog. I killed Dylan's dog and then lied to his face about it. Do I tell him it was me? What if he invites me to a funeral and I become overrun with guilt for not telling him? What if I tell him it was me and he never talks to me again? Well, that wouldn't be the end of the world but boy would it be dramatic...

On my way to maths I see Terry walking her dog. I can't take my eyes off of it. Walking along, with its four legs, happy as Larry, until one day BAM! Dead! 'C'est la vie.' As Madame Guyon would say. I give Terry a light nod, and in doing so I take no notice of the step in front of me and land face first into the mud. Could this day get any worse? Terry doesn't even flinch and keeps on walking, is it not her job to help me? As I stand up I notice how deserted the place is and realise how late I actually am for maths. Breaking into a sprint, I reach Mrs. McGettigan's classroom as the clock strikes 10. "Sorry I'm late miss, I just got in now." I don't normally lie to teachers, but it seemed necessary. "Is that  why you're covered in dirt too?" Mrs. McGettigan questions. "I don't think we need to get into that." That was true, nobody needed to know my story of dysfunctional dead doggy guilt. "No, it's probably for the best that we forego that." She retorts, continuing with the class. Surprisingly I'm able to keep up, despite having missed its beginning.

Walking into Penn for English, I spot Peter. He seems rather spry considering his earlier mood and an hour of maths. "You seem to be doing better." I remark. "I have no clue what you're talking about". He murmured. "I see, that's how we're doing this. It's your life, do whatever you want I guess." I leave him with a small wave and hop over to Charlie Beresford just as Mrs. Lennon arrives. "Alright folks." Charlie synchronizes with Mrs. Lennon. As the classroom door opens, we all push through to get to our seats. As class begins I find myself getting distracted at what might be bothering Peter. I know it's not really my business, but I can't help but be a bit worried about him. On the board is a poem by Emily Dickinson. The opening line 'If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.' sticks out to me, and I end up only further lowered into my pit of worry. We're asked to write about how the poem makes us feel, and I go on about how it helps me see that others need help too, and that like Tesco says 'Every little helps.'

We get a small break between the double, and I notice Peter practically dashes out the door. Catching up with him, I give a "You ready to talk yet?" There's a silence, and Mr. Jones can be heard blabbing on about some chemistry stuff. "If you're not gonna talk, then I guess I am. I'll start with what I've seen." Peter seems rather unperturbed. "You've been extremely unenthusiastic all morning, and have made it clear that there's something you're avoiding. I think it can only benefit you to talk about it." He tries to smile back. "Look I'd love to talk about it, but I just can't. It's one of those things, y'know?" I'm losing my patience with him and blurt out "No Peter, I don't know. We are friends, friends talk to each other about stuff. You were in English, you must've known I wasn't gonna let this slide." My face feels like it's gone red. "Whatever you have to say, just say it. You know me, I do not care! Just let it out!"

With his hands by his side, defeated, Peter responds. "You're right, I'll tell you. But It stays between us and us only. If I hear anything about the possibility of Fabio, or Charlie knowing then you're dead."

"I completely understand. Now tell me. Please"

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