we need to discuss some things

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Going home, duma sat to his car to organize his thoughts to take in a deep breathe to then get out to make a face.
You need to talk to tyro about what has happened.
Duma signed to then go forth to not really be happy about this but knew for there relationship he needed to.
Going to his door he opened to look about to then stare over tyro, he was hunched over cleaning to then straighten up to eye over duma.
Duma couldn't help but to smile to then go straight to tyro to grab the cleaner from his hand to then toss it to the side, to grab the rag he held to his other hand to throw wherever to then place his hands to his face to then pull his mouth to his for a tight kiss.
Tyro widened his eyes to then place his hands to his chest to then push duma back to eye over him.
"Hey.... Just because I'm cleaning does not mean I'm not mad at you and.... Hey what are you doing?"
Duma then went down to his knees to then start to lower tyros shorts to then look up.
"Tyro.......I need you."
Tyros lips parted to then sign to place his hands to his shoulders to then lift his head back to moan has he felt dumas mouth to his cock.
Later, tyro was on duma, has they were to the couch, to be grinding on top of him to have his hands to the back of the couch to grip to have his mouth to his for them to lick there tongues over the others.
Duma then started to take one hand from his nipple to then wrap it about his erection to then stroke and hard has he started to thrust to match that speed.
Tyros whole body trembled in pure pleasure at the hands of his lover.
Finished, tyro was with his back to the couch, hands behind his head to have his eyes closed to smile and wide, duma stayed seated to have his eyes down to be rubbing tyros foot.
"Mm....I love your hands duma."
Duma slightly smiled to then take in a long breathe.
"So..... You were right."
Tyro raised a brow to then slowly open his eyes to then look to duma a bit confused.
"I.... Should have stayed out of it."
"Mm.... Why?"
"My employer wanted me to do something that went against...."
Duma widened his eyes has tyro took away his foot to then bend his legs to himself has he sat to wrap his arms about.
"What did he want you to do! Did you cheat on me duma then come back to fuck me!"
Duma rolled his eyes to then turn his head to give tyro a hard look.
"Why do you keep having that thought process!? Just because you seduced me doesn't mean I will just fall for anyone! We have been together for so many years what the fuck is wrong with you!"
Tyro made a face to then look down to his knees.
"What did he make you do....."
Duma rolled his eyes to then turn his head to look forward.
"Before we discuss that, I need to know why you keep thinking I'm going to cheat on you. I live for you everyday tyro!"
Tyro made a hard face.
"You won't.... Tell my father about us. Like your.... Ashamed to be with me."
Duma signed to then look back at tyro to then place a arm behind the couch.
"I've told you why I won't tell him.... Yet."
Tyros eyes lit up.
Duma nodded to then place a hand to his knee.
"I need to be in a place to fully take care of you. However I am not there yet but close. When I am, I will tell your father about us."
Tyro parted his lips to then look up at duma to pounce.
Duma mumbled about tyros mouth has he crushed it to his.
Tyro then moved a hand back to re connect them to then hop up and down his length to then place his fingers in-between dumas to grind and hard.
Duma then rolled his eyes.
You really haven't changed that much from when you were younger.
After another earth shattering round.
The two had moved to the bed, where tyro was to his stomach with his arms under his head to feel duma rubbing at his back.
Duma was to his side with an arm up to be rubbing about to eye the action.
"Are.... We to talk now tyro?"
"Mm..... Right...... What did he want you to do?"
"Wanted me too....kidnap his ex lover."
Tyro popped his eyes wide open to then turn his head to look over duma.
"What? Is he crazy?"
"That he is also......I have something else to talk to you about. He.... Knows about us. Threatened to tell your father."
Tyro shrugged.
"I really don't care if he knows."
"I know you don't. However this is not a good thing."
"I know. I also know you will figure it all out."
Tyro then placed his hand under his body to move up to then go towards duma to place his lips to his.
Duma couldn't help to move his mouth with this action.
"More?" He lightly chuckled.
Tyro nodded has he kept kissing to then place his hands to duma to then push him to his back to hop on, to wrap his arms about to keep kissing.
Duma signed internally.
I need to also tell him about that other who was coming on to me. Unfortunately I have to keep baby sitting him since I couldn't give his father a good excuse.
Duma then wrapped his arms about has there kiss started to go further.
Damnit! Tyro is never really like this anymore.
Fucking shit..... I'll just tell him next time. I can't deny my tyro. Couldn't when I really should have when we were to young to now.
Duma then took his hands to tyros ass to squeeze.
This man is my forever...... I'll just tell him later..... What could happen?
Only did duma know that later was not going to be a good thing.

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