The Devil's Job (Part 2)

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Y/n coughs up more blood and gags. His entire body was in pain. He couldn't believe that he wasn't dead.

"But I have use of you yet," Lucifer turns to the setting sun. "I know how the Rider works, and you will be transforming soon. And I want to fight you as that. Maybe then you'll give me a better fight."

Charlie's father lets go of Y/n, letting him breathe as he gasps for air. He coughs a bit more before his skin starts to burn. He begins to scream in pain as orange light shines underneath his flesh, and then his skin burns away as he sits up to his knees. Fire erupts from his body as all of his skin turns to ashes and all the remained was his bones, revealing a flaming skull in Y/n's clothes.


When the fire died down, Y/n panted and fell on his hands

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When the fire died down, Y/n panted and fell on his hands. However, it wasn't Y/n. It was something completely different. Something monstrous and Demonic with insane powers, but Lucifer only grinned at the sight of him.

"Hello again," he greeted the scorched skeleton, "Ghost Rider."

The Ghost Rider looks up at Lucifer and glares at him. He stands to his feet and balls his skeletal hands into flaming fists.

"Lucifer," he greeted with venom in his dark voice. "I'm here. What do you want?"

"I know you try to fight me everytime you get a new host, hoping that they'll be strong enough to stop me," Lucifer grins. "So here I am. Let's continue our age-old tradition, shall we?"

"This isn't tradition," the Ghost Rider states as he readies his chains. "THIS IS WAR!"

And with that, the Rider charges at Lucifer with his flaming chains. The Devil only grins as he sidesteps to avoid the attack. The hook impales the ground, burning the grass around it to a scorch before spinning around and flinging the other chain at Lucifer. He knocks it aside with his apple-topped cane, but it instead wraps itself around the cane. The Spirit of Vengeance pulls the cane out of the Devil's hand and then runs at him full sprint.

He tackles the King of Hell with a huge amount of strength, sending both of them crashing through more gravestones. Lucifer kicks the Rider off of him and he gets sent crashing into a tree and landing in the empty field nearby. He groans as Lucifer teleports to the field and the Rider stands to his feet. He shoots a blast of Hellfire at the Devil which burns him, but still doesn't affect him much as he only laughs.

"Try something else, please," he suggests. "You're style is getting old."

"I'll show you something new!" the Ghost Rider yells.

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