T H I R T Y - O N E

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Seraphina didn't think she'd ever actually sit there, in her sister's truck, fidling with her engagement ring as she stared at Jacob Black's home. Two weeks had also passed since Seraphina had become engaged, and she had missed her period. She was a week overdue, but it wasn't abnormal as she had been a week over due many times before.

It just made her extra cranky. But, surprisingly, she wasn't too cranky. Slightly more tempremental, but nothing else.

"Oi!" Seraphina jumped in her skin and turned, facing the passenger window of Bella's truck. There stood her friend, Jacob Black.

"Jake!" She opened the door quickly, and enveloped her friend in a much needed hug. "Oh, i've missed you."

"Yeah." Jake let go of the hug, but something caught his eyes. He gripped her hand and brought it to his eyes. "You're engaged?!"

"Yeah." Seraphina chuckled and took her hand out of Jacob's grip. He knew that Seraphina was allowed on the rez, as Sam had allowed her to. He was thankful, because Seraphina was the one that hadn't left him alone like Bella had. "Looks like you're part of the wolves though, huh?"

"Oh shut it." Jake scoffed, shoving Seraphina's shoulder lightly. The girl laughed heartedly before turning to the rest of the pack. They were here to get information about Seraphina, as organised to by both her and Sam.

She figured it'd be a good idea to get them off her back as recently, in the past two weeks when she'd walk in the woods, she noticed large wolves stalking her. Creeps, am i right?

"Oi, you lot!" She called, walking up to the pack with Jack by her side. Bella was in the truck, but she didn't think she could leave just yet. Instead, she just messaged Alex. The raven haired, icy eyed boy had been on her mind a lot recently. "Which one of your fuckers keeps stalking me?" The pack laughed nervously, exchanging glances with one another, before a tall boy, the usual short hair and shorts and tanned skin, stood up.

"Probably me." His stance tensed as he noticed the ring on her finger.

"And why would you do that? Hope to catch me sucking on a deer's neck?" Seraphina spat. She didn't mean to sound so rude, but she couldn't help it. She was being stalked in the woods.


"Whatever. Let's just get this over with."


By the time Seraphina got home, her mind felt exhausted. How was she meant to cope with the fact she had to start thinking about her parents. What was she to do then?

"Jaz!" She called out, and in a second, her curly haired Texas Major was stood in front of her, grabbing her waist tightly.

"What's wrong, Darlin'?"

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