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Nick comes back into his room after a little while to fold some laundry. He asks if it's okay to play some music, and I say yes. We work in a comfortable little circle doing two different things. It's actually quite relaxing.

Once he's done with the laundry, he leaves the room and comes back a few minutes later with an object in his hand. He stands next to me at the desk.

" 'scuse me," he says as he moves around me.

I scoot out of his way while he digs into the second drawer of his desk. He grabs an opened bag of skittles and smiles at me.

He sets the object on the desk, and I realize it's a bowl.

"Want one?" he asks.

"Sure." I smile as he pours the skittle into the bowl. "Thank you."

"No problem," he says before popping a handful in his mouth.

Now he's sitting on his bed with his laptop as we listen to music and eat skittles together. I may not really know anything about this guy, but I'd say we're friends.

My phone rings, causing Nick to look up from his computer.

"Hello?" I say after I pick it up.

"Did you do the third bullet on your list yet?" Clay asks without a greeting. I'll let it slide.

"Umm." I click back to the google doc.

"Is he bored already?" Nick laughs before taking another handful of skittles.

I smile, glancing at the bulleted list of things I need to code. "Uh, not yet Clay."

"Okay well," he begins, "I was coding the..."

He goes into a long explanation of what he needed to code. As he talks, I grabbed my bowl from the desk and held it out to Nick, who graciously gave me more skittles. I mouth a thank you as Clay finally gets to his point.

"So that wasn't working, and I think I might need that part of your code in order for it to work."

"Well, I'll get that done for you and send it, sound good?" I say.

"Okay sounds good." I can picture a look of relief. Well, I can't really picture his face. It's just a mess of blonde hair with a feeling of what expression. Almost like the blurry faces you see in dreams; you know who they are, but their face isn't very clear.

"Is Nick bothering you?" he asks.

I laugh and glance at Nick, who's head shot up from his computer. "What did he just say?"

I shake my head slightly. "No, he's not bothering me, why?"

"It's been really quiet, so I thought he might be back in his room." There's a blurry shrug in my brain.

"He's here working on something." I shrug myself.

Nick's reaching out for my phone like a little kid. "Let me talk to him."

I pull away. "No, Nick, I'm on the phone."

"Sounds like he's bothering you." A smile.

"Well now he is." I finally give in and hand Nick the phone.

"Hello?" Nick says into the microphone.

I can't hear what Clay has to say, but I can hear Nick.

"No, I'm just working on the thing."

"With the editing."

"I can't tell you that."

"Because I said so, that's why."

"Well, pardon me for being a good host."

"That's not my fault you're an idiot."

"Fine, tell George, see what I care."

"I think George would be on my side though, Clay."

"Because I said so."

"No, I will keep saying that reasoning. Because I said so."

"Ask George. I'm not annoying y/n."

"I know George hasn't met y/n."

Nick looks at me and smiles. "We're sharing skittles."

"Well then come up here then."

Nick's face looks triumphant. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

"Ask George when."

"I know."

"I know."

"Shut up and go away."

Nick hangs up the phone and hands it to me. "Clay said goodbye and happy coding."

I laugh. "What were you talking about?"

Nick shrugs. "Nothing much. Just some stuff about some other stuff."

"Wow, that sounds..." I think for the right word. "Fascinating."

Nick scoffs. "Yeah, right."

_ _ _

I send the code to Clay after a little bit and decide that I should probably go home. We agree that I'll come over again tomorrow and see how much I can get done then. Nick snuck me downstairs to get out of their house, but I couldn't help looking down the one hall just off the kitchen. There's a light shining from underneath one of the doors at the far end.

"Is he back there?" I whisper to Nick.

He chuckles. "Yeah, there's an empty room and then his."

I nod. "It seems so.. Strange. That I've been in this house, talked to him, worked with him and I still haven't actually met him."

"Well, we don't live your average life." Nick leans against the door.

I turn to face Nick now. "What do you do?"

He smiles. "We haven't talked to George, yet."

"Yet." I point out.

Nick nods. "Yet."

"What's so important about George knowing again?" I ask.

"Well, he's sort of a deciding factor with certain things since he lives in London."

I furrow my brows. "Yeahh, that doesn't make sense."

Nick shrugs. "Lots of things don't make sense."

I laugh. "Whatever, I should get home."

Nick opens the front door for me, and I glance back at the looming dark hallway.

"Night Clay." 


i'll give you guys a hint.. this was day 1 of 3 days of coding

and as we all know, everything happens on the third day ;)

also i'll update this story in a couple days.. life's a little crazy and i don't want to burn out with writing like i did a couple months ago

see you guys very very soon! have a good day/night :)

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