Childhood (3)

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"So, are you ready to go in?" Anemachi asked Mio, who was still holding onto her hand.

"Yeah..." Mio said, turning around and waving goodbye to her parents for the fifth time.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll always be here when you need me," Anemachi said, starting to walk into the daycare.

"Be careful!" Mio's mom said, with Anemachi's mom repeating, waving at them.

"We will so don't worry!" Anemachi responded, with a simple dismissive wave at them, almost saying to leave and go to work already.

Entering the building, Anemachi and Mio both took off their shoes and changed them for indoor ones. Looking around, they saw around 14 children, with 4 caretakers, and the children were also saying bye to their parents, others overreacting more than some.

After waiting around for 5 minutes, the head caretaker announced that they would split up the people into 4 groups, with one caretaker taking care of 4 children.

After sitting down in their respective groups, they waited for further instructions.

"Now that you are in your respective groups, please introduce yourselves, and in 10 minutes we will be doing an activity," The head caretaker said, which was the signal for people to start talking.

"I'm so glad we are in the same group, Anemachi!" Mio whisper-yelled to her.

"Same," Anemachi whisper-yelled back.

"So my name is Sewanin Otona, nice to meet you," The caretaker said, now named Otona. This caused a chorus of 'nice to meet you' from the group.

"My name is Hoshimachi Anemachi, nice to meet you," Anemachi said, already realizing that no one else was going to speak until someone else did.

"My name is Ookami Mio, nice to meet you," Mio mumbled, only going because Anemachi went, which prompted the other two children to introduce themselves.

"M-my name is Shirakami Fubuki, nice to meet you," Fubuki said, going red because she stuttered.

"My name is Natsuiro Matsuri, nice to meet you," Matsuri said, which then prompted the caretaker to continue with the orientation, such as the rules and other stuff that Anemachi did not find to be important.

"So, we will now be drawing for today's activity, do you guys like drawing?" The caretaker said, passing everybody a piece of paper and crayons.

'I tried to draw, and realized I completely sucked at it, wonder if that's going to change, haven't tried it yet?' Thought Anemachi, picking up the crayons and thinking of what to draw.

'I should draw Mio because ya know, she's my friend,' Thought Anemachi, as she started to make small lines with the black crayon, before adding in details with gray and darkening the parts that resembled the shadows.

While Anemachi was drawing, she got a tap on the shoulder, which made her look to her left.

"Look look Anemachi, I drew you and me!" Mio whisper yelled, still shy of the other table mates.

"That's a great drawing, you should become an artist someday," Anemachi said, looking at the drawing of Mio and Anemachi holding hands, with the sole difference between the two girls being that Mio drew her hair pink and her own black and red.

"Thanks, what are you drawing... Woah!" Mio said, looking at Anemachi's drawing which was very good.

"You drew me!" Mio said, before taking the drawing albeit with Anemachi's permission, and looking closer.

"It looks like a picture, I'll treasure this forever," Mio said, hugging the drawing, while Anemachi was looking fondly at her.

"Yep, it's a present," Anemachi said, being the mature person she is.

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