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I've always loved lightning.

That splatter of light

Amongst the dark destruction?

What's not to love?

It's poetic, it's hopeful.

It has so many different ways

To be looked at,

And it is so gosh dang beautiful.

I've always loved when it rains at night.

Cause then it's not just noise

It's visual, it's vocal, it's beautiful.

Lightening is something

I will forever be fascinated by.

You could leave me standing in the rain

For hours together

And as long as I have music in my ears

I will not move my eyes from the sky.

Because I know how easily

I can miss that flash of light.

I know how fast it can move away

If I look away.

It shows me just how fleeting

Life really is.

It tells me how fast one can be

Consumed by darkness

When they've missed the light.

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