Why do you hate me?

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Did anyone see that Hogwarts legacy gameplay looks pretty good.

Evie POV.

The slap hurt soo bad I wanted to cry but I held my tears back I leant from my young age how to hold them back and only cry when I'm by myself. As we all stood there in silence no one stopped her from slapping me it made me more angry why isn't no one doing anything. She kept shouted "why are you such a brat you think you reached the age of adulthood you can do whatever you want".

I didn't know what to say, all I could say is " why do you hate me so much what did I ever do to you". When I look up at her you can see the disgust in her face, she comes closer and says " why do I hate so much because I wish you were never born, I wish only Ella was our only daughter". My eyes widened I try holding my tears back but after what she said next broke me. " I wish you never looked like me if I had to replace you for another child I would".

I looked exactly like my mother Rosie we had the same facial features, same figure our eyes and nose. Even if you didn't know you could tell just by looking at us we're mother and daughter. I fell to the ground while tears coming out my eyes I couldn't stop them even if I tried. My mother was walking away I say "you don't mean that do you". This killed my heart when she said " meant every single word I said" she said I started crying out loud and Ella shouted "MOM WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SAY THAT", she runs to me trying to comfort me.

I cried soo much on Ella lap that I fell asleep. It's 4 in the afternoon and I'm in my bed I'm guessing Ella helped me. I was looking at my phone until I get a message from my ex, I hate my ex I want nothing to do with her. I was in love with her we dated from 13 to 16 for 3 years and when I found out she was with another girl I confronted her about it she said yeah She cheated because your only good for sex because you have a penis, she only used me for sex for 3 years. That night I went home crying no one said anything about me crying I went crying to my room until Ella came in and asked me why I'm crying I told her everything.

I will never find happiness.
They say the only two places you can cry is in the bathroom alone or in your dads arm I cried alone most times in my bedroom.

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