Chapter 58

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When Tris returned to the common room, she tried her best to make it seem like nothing happened. She told all of her friends that Umbridge asked her if she knew who was the mastermind behind the prank and she told them she didn't know. Everyone then dropped their suspicion and went about doing their normal things that normal students do. George however was still on edge. He knew she acted off but he didn't want to push her again to make her tell him what was going on.

The next day, Tris was really on edge and everyone knew it. She was very anxious and couldn't sit still. She was also very quiet. She was never this quiet around her friends anymore, which is why they all knew something was wrong. As they were eating breakfast, Harry decided to ask her what was wrong but she wouldn't answer. Harry then stood from his seat and took Tris' hand. She was confused but stood up and followed Harry out of the Great Hall.

He held on to her hand and pulled her down an empty hallway to hopefully get her to tell him what was going on. "Tell me what's wrong. I won't tell George or anyone else, I promise. Just tell me what's wrong." Harry said softly. She looked down the halls making sure no one could hear them and decided to tell Harry what was going on. "It's Umbridge. She's making me do some type of wizarding trial she's working on. She told me that it's very difficult and if I don't do it, she's gonna make either George or Marlee do it, and I can't let that happen. Marlee is only a fifth year and she doesn't know how to deal with the Dark Arts yet like the rest of us, and George- I just can't let him do it." Tris said as she looked down at her feet.

Harry had so many emotions running around in his mind. He was angry and confused and overall very upset. "When do you go?" Harry said. "After classes. Just please don't tell anyone." Tris said as she looked into Harry's eyes. Harry shook his head and pulled Tris over to give her a hug. Tris felt like crying but had no more tears to cry so instead she just smiled and hugged Harry back.

They quickly made their way back to the great hall to finish their breakfast and then it was time to head to their classes. When Tris sat back down, George and Fred both immediately asked what's wrong. Tris just smiled at them both and reassured them she was fine. The twins then looked to Harry for answers but Harry just looked down and continued eating the rest of his food.

The twins and Tris were now heading to their classes and both twins noticed Tris was off. She wasn't joking along with them like normal and was quieter than usual. George then stopped at the front of the door frame and pulled Tris aside. He then motioned for Fred to go ahead and go in and to let him be alone with Tris for a second. Fred was worried about his best friend as well but knew George would tell him if anything was wrong.

"What's wrong, and don't be all tough and tell me nothing is wrong, Tris. I know you. I know when something's wrong or something's on your mind." George said quietly as other 7th year students were walking past them to get to the classroom. "I can't tell you." Tris said as she looked down at her feet. "What do you mean you can't tell me? Would you rather tell Marlee then?" George asked hoping she would talk to one of them. "NO, I can't talk to her either, George. I can't tell anyone, it's an order." Tris said.

George was confused at first as to who told Tris not to tell anyone anything and then suddenly he knew it was Umbridge. "What is she doing to you?" George asked as he now had anger rushing to his cheeks. "I can't tell you, otherwise she's going to do something to you and Marlee and I can't let that happen." Tris said as George leaned over and grabbed her hand. "We have to tell Dumbledore." George said trying not to take his anger out on his girlfriend. "I've already tried, George. He's never in his office and when he is, he won't let me in. The ministry is trying to kick him out and with Umbridge running around, it won't be long." Tris said as she finally looked George in the eyes.

Suddenly out of nowhere, their hands both received a painful shock. They both jumped back and looked down the hall to see Umbridge. Without saying anything George and Tris both walked into the classroom and took their seats. After Snape's class had started, Umbridge walked in and made him stop teaching. "Miss Lupin, come with me please." Umbridge snarled. "But Professor, we agreed after class and I can't skip potions-" "NOW! Miss Lupin." Umbridge said before smiling at the students in the class and walking out of Snape's classroom.

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