1 - Unexpected Bed Partners I - Maverick/Fabio

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I headed down to my garage and I was met with Lin, red faced and knuckles white.

"Fabio." He breathed out and I tensed up as he took a step towards me, "The motorhomes have been put on the wrong van, they aren't going to be here until tomorrow night. I've been up since early this morning and I just about managed to book enough accommodation, there's only one problem." Maverick walked into the garage at that moment, jumping as Lin pointed at him calling him over.

"You two will have share a hotel room." We both snapped our heads up at that, glancing between each other and Lin, "It's just for one night boys, there is two beds and you'll be back in your motorhomes before you know it...please just play nice." Lin walked off and I swallowed awkwardly, before shuffling towards Tom ignoring Maverick who is glaring into my back.


Maverick glanced up at me, biting his lip seductively from across the empty garage. "Vinales you can't glare at me like that all night you know." He laughed lowly, standing up from his desk and waltzing over to me, leaning over it and into my face.

"Then why don't I show you what I could do instead." I shook my head standing up.

"Leave me alone Maverick, how many times have I got to tell you that." He sighed reaching forward to grab my arm to which I instinctively pulled away.

"I'm not doing this, not today, you have someone to go home to Maverick so just scurry back to your girlfriend Charlotte." I walked out of the garage when Maverick grabbed me again, this time I responded with a punch, smacking him right across the face.

He stumbled back, the seduction gone from his eyes; but instead a glare of anger as he lunged for me. We both fell to the floor and Maverick had blood trickling down his face as he hovered over me. He reached down to grab my collar when we both heard Lin's cold voice cut through the garage.

"What is going on here!" His voice was seething with anger as I pushed Maverick off me.

"Nothing." I mumbled storming out of the garage, not bothering to look back at Maverick.

End of Flashback.

So as you can imagine there is a tense atmosphere between me and Maverick, I'm not entirely sure what Maverick was after that day but I wasn't willing to be a pawn in his game to hurt his girlfriend. So ever since then we've avoided each other, only talking to each other when we absolutely have to, but now we're going to have share a hotel room. Lin knows the tension, he found us fucking fighting, maybe he's trying to break the ice but I have the feeling this is only going to make it more frozen.

I sat on my side of the garage and I glanced across at Fabio, he was deep in focus talking over his tyres with his manager. I couldn't help but watch as his brows furrowed and his forehead crinkled, the slight quirk of his lips as he pointed at something, before he broke out into a laugh, catching my glare and causing me to look away with cheeks flushed pink.

Fabio doesn't understand what goes on in my head, fuck I barely understand it but I do know one thing I want him, not Charlotte, but him.

"Maverick, you can't just stare at him the whole time you know? Maybe tonight is your opportunity to sort things out between the pair of you." My assistant perked up, knowing all the trouble me, Fabio, and Charlotte had been going through, "And you're not going to like what I've got to say but maybe it's time you finally put Charlotte out of her misery, you clearly want him more than you want her." I turned to glare at her but she just shrugged her shoulders, gathering up all my paperwork. "You know I'm right, just talk to her it might be easier than you think." She walked out of my garage and I couldn't stop myself from jumping out of my chair.

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