trANTsferred, part 2

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Chyna, Olive, and I were hanging out in the living room. I was trying to figure out a plan for her to stay. I needed her to stay. She was my performance buddy and my best friend.

"Knock, knock," Fletcher said, knocking on the frame. "Okay, if I can't cheer her up, I don't know what will."

Chyna's eyes widened. "You told him I didn't get in?"

"He pried it out of me," Olive admitted.

"How?" I questioned.

"H-He said, 'Sup, Olive?'" Olive explained. "Being without my best friend is not an option. We have to figure out a way for Chyna to stay."

"We're smart. I mean, three of us got into a very prestigious school for prodigies!" I reasoned.

"Look, it's no use. I thought Mr. Grundy liked my a cappella song, but I guess he didn't," Chyna explained.

"A cappella?" Fletcher questioned.

"When you sing without instruments, sometimes with just your voice filling in for beats and other instruments," I explained. "But, now that you say it, you play forty-seven instruments."

"That would be like Fletcher doing a painting without paint," Olive agreed.

"What if I re-recorded my song and show Mr. Grundy what I can really do?" Chyna suggested. "Tonight, we'll sneak into that music studio and record a new version of my song with me playing every instrument."

"That's a great idea!" Olive agreed.


"You guys!"

We were walking out of my dorm room. We were stopped at the door.

"Well, thank you. I've been saying we're the less uncool kids for years. Probably couldn't hear me because I was in a trash can most of the time," Fletcher admitted.

"Come on, we got to get to that music studio," Chyna hissed.

"No, wait!" Lexi said. "You guys can't leave! Stay! Chyna, sing Dynamite. Olive, tell us a boring fact. (Y/n), dance and sing with Chyna. Fletcher, you can go."

We walked out of the door, ignoring Lexi's call for us.


"Okay, let's get to that music room before anyone catches us," Chyna decided.

The door opened to the spa. Mr. Grundy was getting his shoulders massaged. "It stings! Why did I ask for pickles?"

"You're not doing it right. You select the floor, then the room," Fletcher explained.

"Neither of you know what you're doing!" Olive pressed a few buttons.

"A cheese shop! You don't know how to use it either!" Chyna snapped.

"Sure I do. I just wanted another wedge of this delicious gorgonzola," Olive explained.

"So they admitted a cheese-making prodigy, and not me?" Chyna questioned. "I got to record that song!"

Fletcher and I stepped back, not wanting to get in the middle of it. The elevator shut down. My eyes widened in terror. We were stuck in there. And we could be caught easily. We needed to get out of here, fast.

"Great! It's broken," Chyna said sarcastically. "We're not going anywhere."

Fletcher grabbed my hand, terrified.


"Would you put away the gorgonzola?" Chyna snapped.

"No one panic. Maybe we can fix this thing," Olive reasoned.

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