Forgive Me

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(Brittany's Pov)

"You put your hands on my girlfriend, now I'm here to return the favor" I say and punch him and see him stumble a bit but holds back and just glare at me.

"I don't hit girls for fun" he says with so much venom that I almost believed him.

"Then explain why my girl gots bruises from head to toe because of you" I say and see him frown in confusion.

"Whose your girl" he says confused.

"Santana Lopez, you dick" I growl and see him nod, understanding.

"We fought but only because she wanted too" he says walking to the kitchen and making a drink.

"What do you mean she wanted too" I say following him.

"Simple, I street fighting underground to make some extra money and she asked me personally to take her on and told me to give her all I got. I felt bad and apologized after the fight but she said good fight and said, she didn't want an apology" he says as surprised himself. I walked without another word and went back to dani's house.
I walk into the house to see Santana's yelling at dani and dani ignoring her. She stops when she see's me and goes quiet.

"Did you know, she did underground street fighting" I say and see Santana go pale.

"Yup, it's her way of punishing her self without it looking crazy" Dani says as she leave the room and I frown.

"Why would you ever hurt yourself San" I say and see her smile sadly. I walk over to her and as soon as I pull her into a hug her legs give out but I catch her. I pick her up bridal style and take her to the room we were in earlier. She cries for a good 15 minutes before she stops and starts to talk.

"You know I use to think it was my fault for all that went wrong in my family. My fathers alcoholic , my mother always worrying and doing God knows what. My sister sleeping around and from it all, I was ignored through it all. So, one night I ran away and I met Dani down here and I stayed for a good month before I discovered street fighting. I wanted to learn some art of fighting since my latest relationship was an abusive one. I started out fighting girls but I needed more of a challenge. I fought girl and guys and I was unstoppable but when I heard the news of my father, I broke. He died from cancer and I wasn't their to support him. I went on a dangerous path after that. I smoked a lot of weed, stopped caring about school and got the name of the schools "bad ass". I let everyone believe that I was the school slut and i got really bad depression. I started dating Blake and of course what she did to me, I didn't stop it because I felt the need for punishment. Honestly the only thing that kept me alive was my mom marrying victor. then that's when I met you and my life changed completely" she says looking up at me.

"Santana, what does that have to with now" I say as politely as I can.

"I felt like since I hurt you emotionally,I needed to feel pain also and that's why I fought Dave" she says and I sigh.

"Never do that again. I don't care if you held a gun to my head. I don't want you to ever streetfight again. you know I went over his house about to kill him" I say to her and she's completely shocked.

"I'm sorry B, your not mad are you" she says and I smile at her.

"Never, but it's such a shame your mom is going to kill you and we haven't even had sex yet" I say and see her go wide eye.

"Shit. speaking of, I didn't miss the funeral did i" she asks and I smile at her worrying.

"No, it's in two weeks" I barley say and she nods in understanding.

"Great you too made up now you can both leave" Dani says walking into the house with a random girl.

"We're leaving tonight, don't worry" I say to dani and she just waves us off.

(6 hours later)

"I'm going to kill you for scaring me half the death like that" Mrs. Lopez says.

"I'm sorry Mami" she says looking down. I watch as Emily hits her and she hisses but keeps her head down.

"What's wrong" Emily says in concern and curiosity.

"Nothing" she says and Emily punches her in the gut. I try to get her but her mother holds me back.

"You bitch" I hear Santana say before she looks up and Emily gasps.

"You street fighting again Santana" she yells and Santana's slaps her.

"No, I promised Britt, I'll quit. I'm done permanently with it" I say and see Emily pissed but she walks off. Santana grabs my arm and run upstairs.

"You okay" I ask and see her smile.

"Yeah, Emily will be fine and my mom is happy Im home so everything is good" she says bring me over to the bed with her to lay down.

"So, what about you" she says and I frown.

"I told you all about me in the hospital" I say rubbing her arm.

"No crazy ex's or boyfriends or stalkers" she says and I laugh.

"I had a handful of friends and ex's but yeah I guess you could call this one guy a stalker. I was friends with him and he got the wrong idea, he was delusional and thought I liked him but at the time I see as all lesbian and still am" I say to Santana's and see her smile.

"What happened" she asks quietly.

"He tried to kidnap me and almost did if it wasn't for Quinn and the gang. He's in jail right now for attempt of kidnap but he will be out soon" I say looking away.

"How soon" she asks and I look everywhere but her.

"Britt" she says in a pleading manor.


Also other stories that are completed are
*Las Vegas
*Something More
*Pit Boss
*True love doesn't exist

Stories I'm working on
*Bad Girls Need Love Too
*Love Thy Enemy
*Broken Voice

Hey guys I just started a new story called Trouble Maker. I'm not sure weather to make it GxG or GXB just yet so yeah but please read if you have a chance and tell me what you think

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