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I jolt up, sweat beading all over my tear streaked face. The scarfed man is standing by the door staring at me.

Is that PITY!?! How dare he...? I quickly lay back and pull the covers over my face so he can't see me crying.

"Go away…" I pout. I hear the jingle of his footsteps coming closer so I dry my eyes on my shirt and peak over the top of the covers.

"Drink this. It will help you sleep." I sit up in the bed curiously taking the mug he offered carefully from his hand. The smell was sweet with a hint of mint and some kind of herb. Is he poisoning me?

I look at him wearily and paranoid. I began to sip the hot drink while continuing to stare at him over the top of the cup.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Nothing. My my name is f/n, what is yours?" I ask.

"My name is Charlotte Katakuri." He replies. Now that I've had more time to study him, he is really quite handsome.

Why did he do something nice? He seems guarded. Like he's hiding something. Or is that just my paranoia at it again? Or... both...

He spots me making a stupid face to emphasize my thought of "or...both..." I feel heat rise to my face.

Ugh I haven't had enough human interaction in my life. I'm so awkward.

An ever so slight pinch in the corner of his eyes lingers for just one second hinting at a smile. My face feels even hotter.

"What are you smirking at?" I demand.

"I'm not smirking. Although, you're making quite a few faces.” he states casually.

"Well at least I don’t hide mine under a scarf…" I shoot back. His eyes harden and I know now that he’s self conscious about it. He did call me out first though.

"You should get some rest now," he says as he walks away. I have no desire to go back into my past but the exhaustion overwhelms me as I lay sunken in the comfy mattress covered in the soft blankets that smell quite sweet and spicy but also somehow very masculine. The warmth of the drink settles in my stomach warmly. I drift away, getting through the terrible scene three times before awaking utterly drenched in sweat and tears.

I attempt to wipe the sweat from my face and notice a cool wet rag placed on my forehead. I pinch it with my fingers looking at it confused then look over to see Katakuri slumped over asleep in a chair next to the bed with a bucket of ice water at his feet.

I don't understand... Why is he doing this? He doesn't have any connection to me. No reason at all to be so kind. He stirs and notices me staring intently at him, brows furrowed in frustrated confusion.

"I don't think the drink helped..." He states matter of factly.

"No, no it did. I stayed asleep alright..." my eyes go distant as the nightmares resurface.

Curiosity mixed with... concern? No, PITY... fills his eyes as he tries to ask without directly doing so, "I may be able to help if you tell me."

Help me? Yeah right… I harden immediately, all my walls shooting up reactively. No one. No one can know. At very least he'll be sickened by the fact that I was a slave or that I killed everyone there that day. Disgust or PITY. I hate pity.

"That's fine" he discerns my mood easily. "You can have today to recover but I expect you to fix the wall within the week.”

Wow he’s giving me a day off before I even start. What a sweet man, it almost makes me forget he was about to kill me. I think to myself sarcastically.  

"The bathroom is over there, kitchen there, living room..." He points out all the areas as he says them. I look at the destroyed wall to his living room and feel a tinge of guilt. Whoops. Luckily there is a divider wall that pretty much blocks off the view inside the house. I realize I must be in his bedroom and the guilt deepens.

I get up and head into the kitchen to whip up a quick breakfast and decide, since he was housing and feeding me instead of killing me, I'd make him some too. He sauntered off to the living room and sat on the couch with a book on fighting techniques.

I stand sideways so that I am still able to see him. I glance at him from the kitchen only to find him not focused on the book at all, but staring intently at me. He drops his gaze to the book when our eyes meet while I flush and whip my head back to the stove top.

I could feel his eyes drilling into the back of my head after I stop looking over, making me feel all the anxiety in the world. I finish the breakfast and bring him his plate which he grabs gently and grumbles a "thank you."

I expected him to sit and eat with me but he moseys into his bedroom and closes the door. I scarf my breakfast down like a savage born of zero manners and clean my plate off in the sink then knock on the door.

I hear scrambling followed by, "what? Don't come in. Do you need something?"

I reply hopefully, "well, I need a few supplies from town. Can you take… Would you like to join me?"

A long silence followed. Feeling rejected I start to walk away. The door swings open lightly and he finally answers, "I will go with you. I have to speak with mama after though"

Mama? How old is this guy...? He sees my callous smirk and returns a questioning gaze, which immediately sobers my expression.

Don't want to start a fight, I can't help but notice through his lack of clothing the steely broad muscular body he has. I could wash clothes on those abdominals... He sees me making a stupid face again, practically drooling all over myself. The corners of his eyes crease again. Busted ogling him! My cheeks flush and I make a gesture for him to lead the way.

.....................Open Hostility.......................

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