Sandy days

464 27 5

3rd person POV:


Gaara, the Tanuki sand demon Jinchuriki, was unleashing the power within him.

The tattoo on his body moved as it caused a sand storm that threatened to throw the unconscious audience away.


He dodges a punch from a shinobi.

Kiryu: Oi. What do you think you're doing?

Guy dropkicks the shinobi away.

Kiryu: Hm?

Guy: Don't threaten, for now, I. Am. Here!

Kiryu turns to see Kakashi.

Kiryu: Oi! Kakashi! What's going on!?

Kakashi: It's an invasion from Orochimaru.

Kiryu: Who?

Kakashi: The snake man you fought.


Looking around, Kiryu noticed Hiruzen fighting Orochimaru on a roof.

Kakashi: He used a jutsu to knock almost everyone here out.

Kiryu: I'll go help old man Kage.

Kakashi: You can't, there's a barrier up.

Kiryu: A what?

Kakashi: No time to explain. Take Sakura and lead the kid outside the village.

Kiryu:... Okay. Sakura!

Sakura: Hm?

She kicked a shinobi of Orochimaru away, to turn to Kiryu.

Kiryu: Let's go help Majima!

Sakura: Okay!

Running up to Kiryu, the two leaped into the arena to Majima's side.

Majima: Oi, this is my fight. Stay out of it.

Sakura: Majima, we have to lead this psycho away from the village before he destroys it.

Majima:... Ugh... Fine, but from there, he's mine.

Team 7 leaps out of the arena and towards the village.

Gaara: Where are you going... I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!!

The sandstorm flies after the team with Gaar inside it.

(Opening theme)

Sakura: I really don't like the fact that we're getting chased by a sand tornado.

Majima: Yeah, that's kinda much... But that'll just make it more fun to take them down.

Kiryu: Oh?

Two shinobi land ahead of Team 7.

Two shinobi land ahead of Team 7

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