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Xiao Heng had been a hussar captain before, and this strategy had never been taken into account by him. He had known the world outside and knew that the generals of the Northwest Army were loyal and upright, and he had already drawn up a plan to join the Northwest Army. As for why he didn't go to the place where the prisoners were taken to the mine, Su Wei knew that he was different and didn't ask much, but Xiao Heng didn't hide it any more. To catch up with the front line to act as a resistance, without even a weapon, in fact, is to die.

    The situation is getting worse and worse day by day. There are few prisoners left in the mine, and even the guards are absent-minded. Seeing that it was about to be Su Wei's turn, Xiao Heng finally asked Zhao Su and the others to summon the remaining people. When everyone else knew the cruel truth, everyone panicked and cried for an explanation. .However, under Xiao Heng's deterrence and Zhao Su and others trying their best to appease them, everyone managed to calm down, and according to the boss's instructions, each made preparations for evacuation.

    Xiao Heng counted the number of people, the original people plus the new ones added later, there are about forty people. He arranged the people into several small teams, Xiao Heng, Zhao Su, and two young, strong and smart men as the small leaders. However, because of the different places of detention, there is still a shortage of people who can take the lead.

    Su Wei stood up and said, "Give these people to me." He pointed casually, and the few sitting in the corner were all closer to his cell.

    Xiao Heng lowered his face and categorically rejected, "No." The eyes of others were also full of doubts. Well, Master Ji has a good mind and a good mind, but his small appearance with thin skin and tender meat does look more like a party that needs to be well protected by them.

.Su Wei looked straight at Xiao Heng, "Don't you believe me?" After getting along for so long, Xiao Heng should be very aware of his abilities.

    Xiao Heng hesitated for a moment, then nodded reluctantly. In terms of courage and analysis of the situation, Ji Xuanyao is indeed stronger than the illiterate rude. And under his arrangement, these unarmed people will evacuate first. Thinking of this, I let go of my heart a little. He pulled Su Wei aside and repeated, "Before I find someone more suitable, you can be their head for now."

    Lin Zifu's face turned pale in fright. In his opinion, Xiao Heng was crazy, he was completely confused by Ji Xuanyao. Did he forget that Ji Xuanyao is a brother? ! How could a brother take on such a heavy responsibility! He, he didn't want to be with Ji Xuanyao, he didn't want to die inexplicably.

.Lin Zifu bit his lip, fear and resentment in his eyes. He couldn't help but said, "Brother Xiao, let me come with you. I'm careful. If there is a collision, someone will always take care of it." He found that those with Xiao Heng were all strong men from Kong Wu. As long as he can be with Xiao Heng, when escaping for his life, how can a man be concerned about him.

    Su Wei and Xiao Heng frowned. Su Wei saw at a glance what the other party was thinking, and said unceremoniously, "Lin Zifu, Xiao Heng arranged this after everyone's negotiation. At this time, can you put away your dark thoughts? I'll tell you the truth. , For someone like you, I don't even bother to deal with it."

    Lin Zifu blushed, "I have good intentions, but you twisted it like this. Ji Xuanyao, if I really follow you, can you treat me like someone else?Ji Xuanyao had long disliked him, so how could he believe him.

    Su Wei laughed instead. He clapped his hands and said lightly to Lin Zifu, "It's okay. Don't look back and beg me again." Then he didn't care about it anymore. If someone wanted to kill him, why should he stop him? The people around Xiao Heng are stronger, but he doesn't think about it, so many people are going to run away, can they not alarm the jailer? Who are the people who do those things after the cannon is broken? !

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