Chapter Twenty Nine: Sacrifices

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A/n: Thank you for reading my fanfiction! I know that it had been so long since this book had been on hiatus! Well, I will be ending this book soon by Chapter 30 with additional five short stories! 

Alwyna and Leona didn't know what to say at first while they were in Severus's office that night since as far as they were concerned, they had woken up their Potions Professor, even so, they knew that they cannot stay silent

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Alwyna and Leona didn't know what to say at first while they were in Severus's office that night since as far as they were concerned, they had woken up their Potions Professor, even so, they knew that they cannot stay silent. Severus Snape wasn't just a professor in school but Harry's guardian, too. Soon, Alwyna mustered all of her strength and said to him, "Sir, I saw Harry Potter leaving our dormitory. I don't know where they had gone but I am sure that I saw Harry, Hermione, and Ron walk together."

"Draco had also informed us that Harry seemed to be planning some kind of dangerous adventure to get to Quirrell and stop him from stealing something!" Leona added. "We don't know what is going on but we believed that as their seniors, we ought to inform you. Harry was carrying a flute, sir."

Severus was surprised by what he had heard from them, most especially, the news that Harry had brought a flute. Even if the news had made him anxious for the safety of Harry, he didn't allow himself to get out of balance, be thrown off, and lose patience. He knew that he had to stay calm. Closing his eyes, he gulped a lot of salivae and breathed enough air twice deeply before reopening his eyes. "Go back to the dormitory and go to your beds. We will be the ones handling this situation. Do you understand?" 

Alwyna and Leona looked at each other since they were worried but they chose to understand their professor's decisions. They exited the room at the same time but they both knew that the news they told him had made him so anxious and afraid. They both hoped that whatever danger that Harry and his friends had placed themselves in, they will come back alive. Both of them would also scold Harry many times and cry since he had made them worry for him. 

Alwyna may be a half-elf but the human side of her always made her more emotional than the pureblood High Elves. The High Elves may be able to help protect the students in the whole school from curses and trolls but the school will still be vulnerable if there's a traitor inside it. She didn't even know why Harry had to leave that day and from what she had heard from Draco Malfoy, Professor Quirrell is a traitor. 


Severus Snape needed to drink lots of water while walking the dark corridors of the castle to go to Dumbledore's Office that night to tell him about the danger that Harry had placed himself in to ask for help and advice. He's pretty much confident that Quirrell won't be able to steal Nicholas Flamel's stone but the traps that they had placed were too advanced for a first-year like Harry and Ron but at least, he was confident that they do have a chance to pass the challenges to get to the room where they hid it since Hermione's with them. She may be a Muggle-born but he saw that she's a talented, brave, and intelligent witch. The challenges consisted of flying on a broom, winning the fight on the huge wizard's chess board, and solving the potions riddle. 

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