79- Apologies, Apologies

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Alana was startled awake by the feeling of something moving over her, waking with a sudden gasp for air. Her vision was blurry from sleep as she tried to take in her surroundings in the fog that was her consciousness.

A low chuckle summoned her attention behind her.

"I am sorry, my little dove..." A sweet voice chimed.

Ivo? Oh yes, Ivo was here last night. Alana turned over, eyes squinted, and brows pulled in as she watched his blurry figure stand from the bed.

"I didn't mean to startle you," His voice continued. "Forgive me. As horrible as it is, I have to go, I am on 'morning duty'."

"Morning duty?" Alana groggily echoed back, still confused and half asleep.

"Making sure the crew is up and working hard for the Scorched Bones." Ivo responded.

Alana felt a cool hand smooth over her forehead, causing her to slightly jolt from the chill as her hair was pushed back and a light kiss was placed on her exposed skin.

"It is very early, try to get back to sleep." Ivo kindly whispered to the disoriented girl.

Alana pulled the covers up over the lower half of her face, gently nodding in agreement as she relaxed back into bed.

She heard him retrieve his lantern and leave the room, shutting the door gently behind him. Though, try as she might she could not find rest. Memories of the night swirled deliciously through her mind.

Her cold fingertips found their way to tracing the kiss that still lingered on her forehead.

I am so happy! It is like things are back to normal! All Ivo needed was a little reassurance.
A soft grin spread across her features under the covers.

But... yesterday was such a disaster, Momo caused so much trouble. Kazumi and the others did seem more concerned with my safety than they were angry, but still... I at least owe the Captain a proper apology on behalf of Momo.

She peeked her eyes open, using the back of her index finger to rub the crust from her eyes. She knew she would not be able to go back to sleep once her mind started to race with everything that has happened. Outside her cabin she could hear boots stomping and Ivo's voice shouting in the distance, too muffled to make out exact words.

Alana decided now would be the best time before the ship became too busy to speak with Kazumi in private. She climbed from her bed slowly, stretching her back as she did so.

Alana dressed speedily, throwing on a simple white, puff cap sleeve dress that hung to her knees and cinched her waist. She paired the simple garment with her brown sandals, quickly buckling the single strap on each one. To complete her outfit she pulled out satin, square scarf from her chest. It was beautiful shades of blues and white with a pink trim. Alana gingerly tied the hair scarf around her head, knotting it below her dark locks at the base of her skull. She toyed with front pieces of her hair to pull them from beneath the scarf as she walked to her door.

As she left her room, she lastly plucked her bright yellow cardigan from the hook by her door.

The lowers levels of the ship were swarming with crew members getting ready for the day, but all parting the way for her as if she had the plague. Alana muttered a few good mornings as she passed with a slight smile, but ashamed of why exactly they were acting as such. Her mind instantly went to the morning she found them all on their knees with an apology to her.

I hope they do not hold anything against me...

Alana found Ivo on the second level down from the main deck, but he did not see her. He was busying himself rushing along the crew with the brightest smile and meanest words.

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