Chapter Eleven: Her

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A/N: So I've been editing my chapters on my computer and I have to say that it's 100% better on the computer than on the crappy phone. Also, I want to thank the readers for taking their time to read this book! THANK YOU VERY MUCH *says in an Elvis Presley voice* Well, anyways let's get on with the story.


Blood's P.O.V

My eyes came upon the petrified Sylvia as we sat in the living room. It was only Reaper and I today since those other two had ran off. They both were stuck to each others hip like super glue and I kind of wondered how this happened. Perhaps it was because Kelly was fooled pretty easily since she was of course just a normal human.

Now as I looked at Syl on the black couch opposite hers there was only silence like usual. Somehow today Sylvia was more...afraid...that's what it seemed like. Like that, ever since that nightmare she had completely changed from her composed self. She was now staring at her fingers I noticed and was looking at them like she was seeing something on perhaps blood.

"Sylvia," I called out to her to try and pull her out of this phase she was in. There was no reply only the same exact silence that she had given me. Pushing myself off the couch I then walked over to her. She still hadn't noticed I was talking to her or walking over to her. Finally, once close enough I grabbed hold of her chin and made her look at me. Now with her eyes on me I continued, "Sylvia what's going on with you?"

Her bright amber red eyes were full of fear as I stared right at them. She looked like a child who had just seen a ghost and somehow it seemed so strange. So strange to see a use to be a cold girl who wasn't afraid of anything, yet now I saw something else. Complete fear. Strong enough that it overpowered her natural born barrier and composure.

"Orpheus?" She called out to me like I wasn't who she thought I was. Like in the fact, that I was a being from her imagination who was haunting her life. However, I was not from her fantasy world, but instead someone in reality.

"Sylvia, answer my question." I commanded her with authority. With those words, her eyes drifted away from me to get out of it. I definitely wasn't going to let her get out of this because I needed to know if she was alright. It wasn't my fault to be a little bit worried about her since no one did, not even her own father.

"SYLVIA!" Without meaning to my voice, suddenly got loud as I yelled at her. Her gaze shifted back to me in an instant as she finally listened to me.

"Y-yes?" She somehow managed to ask me with a really shaky voice. Now as she stared up at me I was able to see if she was alright. Noticing then that her hair was just left alone today and that she was still wearing her pajamas. Almost like she didn't feel like putting on regular clothes today because she felt like crap.

"I would like for you to answer my question before I lose my patience." Replying with those words I then waited.

"Ah...well, whatever are you talking about? Nothing is wrong with me Blood, I really think you shouldn't worry about someone like me." She tried to convince me but, I could tell she was lying. Trying to keep her fears a secret from me like I was an idiot who couldn't tell that something was wrong. That wasn't going to work out with me at all.

"DON'T LIE TO ME SYL! YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY SEEING THINGS!" This time I had lost my patience and had accidentally yelled at her.

Now as I looked at her, she looked pained and hurt like I had said something to hurt her. When in fact I was trying to help her, to see why she was troubled, and to break her from this spell.

Then, out of nowhere she pulled her chin away from me and pushed me away. She then rose up out of her seat and screamed back at me. "SHUT THE HELL UP! I'M NOT SEEING THINGS! AND I'M NOT GOING CRAZY EITHER!"

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