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I'm the closest he can get? What does he mean by that?

I stare at the old man for a long time, before he speaks again. "I know that all of this is confusing but to put this short. Your mother was my daughter and your my grand daughter." Horrier runs through me as I look at him again really look at him.

I shake my head when I see it. He looks like mom. I go to stand up but I get pushed down. I hiss at the pain and move my shoulder out of Michael grasp.

No, they can't be moms family. They are nothing like mom, she was kind, loving, and everything good. But them?

Their horrible people, selling girls, drugs, hurting people for fun, I can't be related with these people.

If I am the the fact that I liked hurting him would be true. And it can't it just can't.

I shake my head "your wrong, your lying" I stand up with time quickly and side step Michael hand. I soon regret getting up as dizziness slams into me.

I stumble and trip on my feet, I'm about to hit the ground hip first but I don't. Michael graded me just in time.

"She needs to get checked out" the old man said with urgency in him voice. Michael picks me up and I bite my tongue to stop a scream.

They both walk out the door and in to the hallway. I try to keep track of how many turns they take, but in the end I give up.

My head feels like it's going to explode and my whole body feels on fire. I feel Michael hold on me tighten when my head falls back.

I watch the light move past us in a bleary haze. I smile when a memory comes to mind. It was before mom died and a little before she got with him. She was driving in this tunnel and it had lights on the top. I had turned my head just right, to see the light go by in a bluer. Mom was singing to the loud music. I think it was the last time I saw her actually smile.

I hear a door open and my eyes are met with bright lights. Beds line the walls with curtains separating each bed, puts me down on one of the beds.

I watch the still moving lights, when I hear hushed voice. I strange my ears to try to hear what's  being said. But in the end I can't hear anything.

I'm halfway asleep when someone touchs my shoulder, my eyes snap open. I look around and see Michael and the old man standing on one side of the bed and a doctor on the other. She still had her hand on my shoulder.

"Hello, I'm just going to check your injury ok?"  Her voice was soft and gentle well, compared to the old man and Michael's.

She looks over all my cuts and then moves on to my head and shoulder. I feel hot tears pricking at the edge of my eyes. I look down, I'm so stupid stupid stupid stupid.

I'm to weak to even save myself. So fucking weak. The doctor said something but I didn't hear it. I wrap my arms around myself and glare down at my legs.

Hey guys, im so sorry for the very late update. I have had a lot of shit hit me in the last couple of months and  hopefully I can start updating regularly for you guys

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