Omnitrix Functions.

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[Active Mode]:This occurs when the Omnitrix is turned on or accidentally activated

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[Active Mode]:
This occurs when the Omnitrix is turned on or accidentally activated. When this happens, the Omnitrix interface or dial flashes green; indicating that the Omnitrix is now ready for use.

[Alien Selection Mode]:
This mode allows the user to select an alien of their choice. Sometimes their silhouette will appear, others times their face symbol appears and final, a 3-dimensional hologram of the selected Alien will appear.

[Activation Mode]:
After selecting an alien, the Omnitrix dial/core will pop up allowing the user to transform into the alien they have selected.

[DNA Scanner]:
The DNA Scanner allows the user to scan and obtain new DNA samples. This was demonstrated by Ben when he scanned and obtained Benwolf, Water Hazard, Armadrillo, NRG, Terraspin, ChamAlien, Ampfibian, Whampire and MonKi's DNA samples.

[Voice Command]:
The Voice Command function allows the user to have the Omnitrix follow their voice patterns. However, if the users voice is accidentally changed, the Omnitrix will allow them to set an alternate profile just in case.

[Recharge Mode]:
Once the Omnitrix's battery and all backup power reserves have fully depleted, the Omnitrix will enter Recharge Mode and will change the user back to normal as a way of keeping them safe from danger.

[Randomiser Function]:
When this function is activated, the user will be transformed into a different amount of Aliens at random moments; being randomly selective of the transformations.

[Quick Change Function]:
This function will transform the user back to normal once they're done using the alien that they've chosen causing it not to time out and allowing the user to transform again; only far quicker this time around.

[Slide Off Function]:
The Slide Off Function will only activate unless the users life is in danger. When this happens, the Omnitrix will detach itself from The User's wrist and will find a temporary user until the original user is safe from harm.

[Master Control]:
The Master Control is one of the most prominent and well-known functions/features in the Omnitrix. It grants the user unlimited access to every single transformation as well as no time limits, (Unless all available power has been drained), and instant alien switching. However, it can only be accessed via Azmuth's voice command and via special code. Or by simply hacking into the firewalls as shown with Inspector 13 when he hacked the Ultimatrix's firewalls and accessed the Master Control.

[Self Destruct Mode]:
If activated by accident or by a special code, the Omnitrix will begin gathering energy. Once all necessary energy has been gathered, the Omnitrix will then go KABLOOIE!

[Universal Translator]:
The Omnitrix also possesses a built-in Universal Translator which allows the user to understand every alien language. However, the translation does not apply to the Vulpimencer species.

[Gender Swap]:
The Omnitrix can change the user's gender to adapt to another species.

(JunkBot): I thought I'd do this list just to remind you guy's about every single function that the Omnitrix has. Anyways I really hope that you guys enjoy the story.

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