Chapter 30: "good job, Jocelyn."

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And fear.

Those are the feelings I've felt all day, and I feel happy when it ends. All day, I have been making sure the props are appropriate for every scene, I make sure the audience would enjoy the play, and I make sure to give a good impression to my father.

When Lydia blackmailed me with a picture of Martin, I was scared. I didn't know what to do, and I should have told Claude when she blackmailed me. I already set the script to fit Lydia but manage fucked it up. I hope she learned her lesson.

Now I'm having dinner with my family- and Claude is coming too. I know if I bring someone, my father wouldn't scream in front of the guest.

I was relieved to know Martin left early because he had a 'test' tomorrow, and I'm sure it's a booty call. I hate to say this, but he doesn't need to study because he's brilliant. No wonder he went to Harvard.

I sat next to Claude with my brother, and Emilia sat across us. My father sat in his usual middle. They had pasta tonight except for me. There was silence until my father spoke, "Jocelyn," my father said. Just by one word that successfully intimidated me.

"Yes?" I look up from my food to my father.

"I want to talk about the play," he said. Oh God, here comes the storm, "I thought it was interesting."

"I think so, too," Dion joined, and Emilia nodded in agreement.

"Interesting?" I repeat his word. I heard Dion's opinion on my play, but I was focused on my father's statement, "what do you mean by that?"

It was weird for him to say it was interesting because he doesn't support my passion, or I guess he still is, and that's why he only thinks it's interesting.

"I was thinking about Martin's assumptions," my father said as he stopped eating his food and looked up at me, "he said that the play reflected on your life. Is that true? Why do you think it's a good idea to put your life in a play?"

I felt my hand tremble. I know he's mad because he always does. I thought if I stood up for myself, it would stop me from being scared of my father, like back in my brother's graduation.


What should I say?

"If it takes to make a good story, yes," Claude answered on my behalf.

My father looked at the girl next to me with his eyebrows raised, "Looks like you have something to say? Go ahead," my father said.

Thank God, I said to myself.

She took a deep breath before speaking, "You see, your daughter has an interesting life, and she saw the opportunity to make a fantasy based on her life- in a good way. Am I right, Joy?" she said as she looked at me with a smile.

"Uhm- yes. Definitely."

She looked back to my father as he took an interest in her remarks, "also, your daughter has been keeping her life a secret from everyone at her school, and I thought that this is one of the ways she conveys her life to her friends. You should know by now the character based on who," Claude stopped her sentence and let my father continue.

"The King is me, Prince Leo is Martin, Princess Aurora is Jocelyn, and Philips- I have no idea," my father said, his eyes narrowed at me. It's like he's trying to read my mind.

Who is Philips?

Honestly, I don't know. I haven't figured it out. Anyone who could save me from this arranged marriage deserves to be my Philips.

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