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MAY 17th, 5:37 pm

Tanya said in a rush-

"Do you like me?"

"Yes! What?"

"You said yes and what both!"

"Yes! That's because my mind is that messed up you...you..you beautiful piece of eyes"

Tanya crossed her arms and put them up close to her chest

"Honestly from the last two days, my life has taken a different turn suddenly because of you and I don't know how to resist the turn" said Rakul

Tanya freed her hands then got close to Rakul, she held her hands and looked into his eyes

"Whatever you are saying I am understanding all of it but, are you saying that you like me then?"

Rakul upon hearing this gave out a loud roar only audible to them only then stomped off home. Tanya saw him enter his house and she was standing leaning on to the wall under her main door arc.

She gave a sigh a relief then looked at the door with a smile on her face

"Atleast I told him first" she said.

Rakul went straight to the bathroom and washed his face with iced water which he noticed after hitting his face with the water, he gave a painful cry then fetched the nearby towel and covered his face.

"Lovely Mother? Why did out heater stopped working again?" shouted Rakul in a sarcastic tone

He then removed the towel from his face

"Why did she ask me that? Does that mean she likes me? But do I like her? She is cute and all but do I really like her? Honestly what's wrong with me, I like her too that's why I was disturbed but, I think she is kidding with me but why? Was that a prank?" Rakul was recapping everything saying out loud when he thought of something and took out his, opened the contact and searched for one then dialed it up.

Someone in the other end received the call,

"Yo Jai?" said Rakul

"Back from the grave I suppose what made you think of me fella after so soon!" said Jai over phone in sarcastic tone

"Yeah, it's been a while I know and I wanna apologize to you about that later-

-What, LATER! You must apologize now. it's not a joke-

-A girl kinda proposed me just now and no, it's not a prank!" said Rakul as a full stop to Jai's blabbering, a silent spread in their call until it was broken by Jai-

"Meet me at my place at O seven hundred sharp"

"You mean 7 pm right?" asked Rakul before he realized that Jai hung up immediately which made Rakul aware of his very silly commando tactics. Rakul went to his room, dropped his phone on the bed and lied down for a while.


Tanya went downstairs to the field of their compound, she climbed up the stage and sat there glancing the blue sky with a tint of orange in it. A girl of Tanya's age came running toward the stage and sat beside her, she looked at Tanya then looked at the sky and then looked at her again.

"What you thinking Bro" asked the girl

"I asked Rakul whether he likes me or not just now Sheena!" said Tanya which blew Sheena's mind up.

"Are you crazy, you don't ask that boy whether he likes you or not!"

"Can't I?"

"Nuh-uhh! What did you expect? Did he give u yes or no first hand?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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