chapter 2 page 4

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Only later had when I looked at the paintings hanging in the castle had I seen a painting of Victoria Crowns. There were not any paintings of Georgia Mitch except the one on the door to my closet. All the pictures of her were forgotten thrown away and hidden.

Everyone likes you when you do everything for them and are willing to die for them but the second you need help, they are nowhere to be seen.

Mel had used her imaginary sword to stab me in the heart and I pretended to fall back dead. As we played out the scenes, she told us about in the end even though they were close to each other Victoria never hesitated to kill the villain.

A hero is someone who is kindhearted and is willing to save the day and protect anyone from anything at anytime at any cost, but Victoria could never say Georgia from herself. Victoria had failed the one person who was willing to do anything for her, she died later after being kill labeled a hero, she died only because she didn't have someone to save her.

Once Mel had finished the scene, I skipped back to the fountain finding my spot back next to my Georgia.

Mel had finished her story and we were on our way home; I carried the basket, and she carried the flowers making sure the water did not get on the bread.

Davi was walking a head of me trying to find the perfect stone to kick, I on the other hand was looking for the perfect hill of wildflowers to add to the assortment of flowers we already had. Once I seen the variety of the perfect final addition flowers, I headed towards them. When Devi had seen I was not walking in the right direction anymore she followed.

Her dress moved in the wind and so did her hair. She bent down and helped me pick flowers.

I was grateful to have her as my best friend. 

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