Chapter 54: The Fall of Mufustafu

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"AGAIN!" shouted Sasakura, arms crossed as he glared at the students he was tutoring.

The three students were panting and sweating, but they pulled themselves up off the ground at his command.

Sasakura observed his students carefully, keeping a careful eye on all of their conditions. Muscle fatigue was growing, and they were running short of energy. This next exercise would be their last, more and they'd likely collapse, but this was good. Being pushed to their bodies' breaking point once in a while was crucial to understanding how far they could go before they collapsed. Better to know in a controlled environment than in the field. 

His first student Habiki could weaponize echoes. Initially believed to be a variant of sound-based quirks, it was discovered he could make an echo out of anything. It was unusual, but its potential was limitless. It had nearly even killed him several times, he had once caused an echo of the impact of him tripping and hitting the pavement. It had nearly broken every bone in his body, but had received medical help quickly and survived. Honestly his quick should be renamed to "Repeat", but the names given to quirks tended to stick. Learning to control his quirk was proving exceedingly difficult, and so that had been the crux of Sasakura's training for him. Izuku had even pitched in a couple of ideas, and now that training was bearing fruit. At the very least he wasn't accidentally hurting himself, others, or objects anymore.

His second student was less problematic, Tsumugi had the unique ability to make a string out of any material and then manipulate said string. The reason why she needed tutoring was that she had been unable to use her quirk to keep up with the school's demands. She'd barely scraped by the entrance exam as it was, and was often made fun of for what was considered to be a weak quirk. The concept of "thin" seemed to be the running theme in her family's quirk history. Her older brother apparently had a thread quirk, but how it worked he had never said. Sasakura had had to get creative with his tutoring for her, he'd even used his quirk on her as a development aide.

His third student had a quirk as strange as Sasakura's own and also had as much trouble figuring out how to use it as Sasakura did when he was young. Kuragari Moku's quirk was called "Name". How it worked was rather confusing, but the best Sasakura and others had been able to figure out was that Kuragari could manifest a "name" into reality. It seemed to be limited to his own name, at least for now. He could manifest black ink into the world from his fingertips and then manipulate said ink with limited success. He had managed to use this to scrape up enough points in the practical portion of the exam to pass, but he had finished last.

All three of his students had only barely passed the exam, and now they struggled in school. Habiki struggled to control his quirk and was terrified he might hurt himself or others with his lack of control. Tsumugi's quirk was admittedly rather weak, but Sasakura firmly believed in the potential of any quirk to become something truly great. Kuragari meanwhile had no idea how to actually use his quirk, claiming his display during the exam was a fluke brought on by stress and desperation. All three of them displayed problems Sasakura had experienced to varying degrees in his own youth. It was no wonder Nezu wanted him to tutor them.

Sasakura smiled as he watched his students go through another set of exercises, they really had improved and their own perceptions about their potential success had only risen, driving them to work even harder.

"Habiki, focus up! You just magnified Tsumugi's voice! You have to keep your concentration, filter out the distractions that don't matter, and keep a firm hold over quirks' desire to go wild! Tsumugi, you still have some of your material left to turn into string! You need to be able to convert your chosen material rapidly and cleanly! Kuragari, same problem as Habiki, keep your focus and concentration or you'll never manage to manifest your quirk as you want!" Sasakura barked out. Even if they were bone-dead tired, they couldn't afford to lose focus and concentration under any circumstance.

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