Chapter 58: Lost and Found

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Momo loaded another clip into her rifle and did a quick headcount. Down to half of their original number, and another fourth of their current number injured. Things weren't looking good, but they couldn't go back, and presumably, neither could reinforcements get to them.

Momo navigated her way through the storage room over to Bakugo who was crouched inside the doorway.

"See him yet?" she asked, crouching next to him and whispering.

"Nothing," he growled quietly.

"We give him another five minutes, if he's not back by then, then we'll move on." She said grimly.

Bakugo didn't say anything but saw the annoyance on his face.

"We can't wait for him forever, and our mission here is more important than a single individual," she said.

When Bakugo still said nothing, she went back to the others who were talking quietly. As she approached they glanced at her but their faces fell when they saw she was alone.

"Get ready, we're moving ahead in five minutes," she said shortly.

Their scout had gone off to scout ten minutes ago, using his ability to stick to the ceiling he used an octopus quirk to camouflage himself to look like the ceiling. He made it clear when he proposed he go out to scout, that they leave if he wasn't back in fifteen minutes. While they hadn't heard any noise down the passageway to indicate he'd been found, that didn't mean much.

Reluctantly they started getting their gear together, the break had been a welcome one after all the monsters they'd been forced to fight their way through. When the group was ready they convened near the exit. After three minutes of waiting, Momo checked the time, her shoulders sagged as their time was up.

"Time to move," she said, hefting her rifle.

As Bakugo reached for the handle, there was a quiet tap on the door. Everyone froze, then the tap came again. They waited for another few seconds and then the tap came another two times. Momo relaxed, that was the knock pattern Shinso had thought up. She nodded to Bakugo and he opened the door slowly. The scout slipped inside and the door was closed behind him.

"Cutting it a bit close aren't you?" whispered Bakugo.

"Sorry, but I got trapped between two patrol groups and couldn't come back or go ahead. When they finally moved, I pressed onward and I came to a door leading to another wing of the research area labeled containment," he said.

"You think that's where they're keeping Tsukuyomi?" Shinso asked.

The scout nodded, "Yes,"

"What do you think?" Todoroki asked Momo.

Momo gave it careful thought, they had to get to Zeus and neutralize him, but if she was being honest she wasn't sure how that might go. They had been relying on Tokoyami to help in guarding their rear and fight off any enemies looking to help Zeus. Tokoyami's quirk would fare poorly vs Zeus, but in the darker confines of the corridors, he'd be a great asset to defending their rear and exit.

"We go for it, if we can get Tsukuyomi then that will make defending our rear and keeping our retreat path clear much easier." She said,

"They have barricades set up in the hallway and I saw a few hounds as well," The scout said.

"Doesn't matter what they have, we're getting him back," Bakugo said.

They exited the room, moving as silently as possible. When they moved ahead enough they came to a junction where the path directly in front of them was a set of stairs leading up and deeper into the mountain. The scout guided them down the right-hand path, and they stopped when they reached a set of push open doors.

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