Pigeons and bond villains

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Tony made sure no one was looking as he snuck into the Teacher's Lounge. He hit the big, red DO NOT ENTER button and breathed a sigh of relief. Now if he could just change and get to his class, he would be in the clear.

"I've been expecting you." At the end of the room, Howard The Duck spun his chair to face Tony.

"Oh, hey Howard." He yawned. "Nice to see you taking an interest in James Bond."

He glared at him. "You Ain't going to your next class."

"I don't see the problem. It doesn't start for another five minutes."

Howard turned on the TV behind him.

"and welcome back to the Early Night Show! I'm your host, Lemmik Ymmij, and today we'll be talking with the one, the only, Ironman!"

Next to the host, Iron Man in his latest suit of armor sat down in his chair. The faceplate was open; revealing a totally-fine Tony Stark without any injuries, as he had planned.

"So tell me, Ironman. Why would you move so close to New York? You've got another girlfriend in the works?"

"I'm really just here to enjoy the view. Though, between you and me, the scenery isn't the best part about it..." All the ladies in the audience blushed.

"Fascinating. And I've already gathered reports of your many heroic deeds since you've arrived?"


"Why not just use your drones?'

"I'm aware that other cities aren't as comfortable with top-quality Stark peacekeepers flying around, so I keep them to a minimum. But, hey, who needs them when you've got these guns?" A row of missiles popped out of his arm.

"Very nice. Is that why you're in your suit today?"

"Right, so that the world can see that New York's the new safest city around. Because good luck getting past several tons of iron, gold, and grit Villains."

"Which brings us to the sponsor of today. The Beard Club. Shaves so smooth you won't even feel a thing, now on discount with-" Howard shut the TV off.

"Congratulations, you played yourself. I know this show starts past midnight. What the hell were you thinking?"

"Scheduling issues. I had to do the show earlier than expected." He sighed. "Look, it's fine. It was only an hour and a half and I got a good nap in after it."

"And what about this morning?" Howard scrolled the TV down through multiple reports. " 'Iron Man prevents bank robbery,' 'Iron Man helps fix broken cars?' 'Iron Man stops insane pigeon from destroying family.'"

"Fine. It was 3 hours in total. I wasn't even in the main suit the whole time. I don't even have to be in the suit to go do my job. I'll just-"

"Sit down and relax?"

"No I-"He yawned. "I'll just go to work."

"Look here, Stark. Just because you can use One For All for 3 hours doesn't mean you never get tired doing anything else. Besides, you're still a normal guy with a fist-sized dent In the ribs."

"I'm..." he yawned again. "How long?" He grabbed a blanket.

"Later," He guided Tony onto the couch. As he curled up to sleep, Howard pulled a cigarette carton out of his vest. "Want a smoke?"

Tony's sullen chest glared at him. "You're kidding me, right?"

"The ventilation here is great. It all goes into a pocket dimension or some money-saving crap like that." He took a puff of his cig.

"So. How's life?" Tony asked.

"Painful. A buncha paperwork with that whole incident yesterday. Not a single thing got caught on camera."

"I could help upgrade the security system."

Howard shook his head. "I know you're already caught up in your own personal work. Always trying to build something just in case, dealing with competing businesses. Especially that Oscorp one."

"They want some of my tech," he chuckled. "No surprise. I won't sell it off, of course, but I'm not sure about other businesses Stark Infinity''s partnered with. They might turn."

"True. But that's tommorow's problem. You gotta accept there are some things you can't fix or prepare for. That sometimes you gotta just do it when the time is right. Otherwise you'll lose track of everything else. Don't you got that boy to watch over again? What was it...Peter Parker?"

Tony sighed. "Yeah. He's pretty...what's the word?" he thought. "Scared. At everything that moves."

"You just gotta give him someone to talk to. That's how most kids work. Heck, that's how most people work. Otherwise they'll try doing things for either attention or spite."

"Got it." I should check up on Peter more often, though. Last time he nearly told someone about One For All.

I still trust him, though, to keep it safe. It was just a slip of the tongue, and he probably didn't mean it.. He's a smart kid; he won't get himself into unwanted trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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