Branded, Beaten But Breathing

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The new morning is like yesterday morning except I see Greg and an opportunity. After I finish my breakfast I stash a two-pronged fork in my tunic. It's found during the pat-down and I'm taken outside immediately by two Motos, one of them is Greg.

"I'll take care of the Terra-rist," says Greg. The other guard reluctantly walks back into the tent. Greg takes my arm and propels me into a small tent used by the Motos for breaks.

"Quick," he says. "We have to talk before he returns."

"I am going to trust you," I tell him. "I'm going to trust you with my life as well as Crinae's, Hyla's and Chuck's. I need you to find Rassel and tell him we're here. And we need to get out."

Greg moves his hand from my arm and takes my hand. Softly. Gently.

"You have my word. I will do anything for you, Naia."

"Me?" I say, "anything for me?" I wrinkle up my nose.

"I admire your strength," says Greg. "You're willing to fight for what's right. To fight for your family, for your sister, for your friends."

"Whatever," I say, while my cheeks brighten with pink.

I still don't know if I'm doing the right thing. I wish I knew.

"Time to go," says Greg. He's my guard again. He marches me over to my workstation line and leaves me there. Where I copy the same routine as yesterday and again, I am pushed into the dark, damp and dank cubbyhole. Elody is not in here today.

Nor is she in the sewing room.

I peek at the other Habitants every once in a while, hoping to catch a glimpse of Elody's face. When I'm not looking for her, I battle against the scenes in my head. Of Dad being pushed off the cliff. His body splayed out at the bottom, dying like Jude after the Waterstealers. I had made a promise to myself then. A promise I had yet to keep. A promise I doubt I can keep.


The next few weeks are filled with hope and fear and more questions. I haven't seen Elody in a long time and I'm worried. I've asked Greg about her but he doesn't know where she went. Greg and I meet as much as we dare. Usually, I have to provoke a guard. Then I'm taken to a holding cell before Greg comes to talk to me. He says I've been branded a problem Habitants. I'll be Benched the next time I step out of line.

Greg has shown himself to be thoughtful and kind over the past weeks. He smuggled medication for Crinae when her throat was sore and swollen. He's given us extra food and water. But he hasn't given us an answer about Rassel.

I hurry to my sewing post each morning. When I open the door, I peer inside the dark room fogged by perspiration and worry. I want to see Elody's little narrow face looming out of the group of workers. The only thing to come out of the dark soup is the whites of Supreme Endeavour Officer Lewandowska's eyes.

One day while I'm sewing, a man passes out on the floor. It has been hot and sticky and even the Motos are mopping their brows in the heat. They have water and refuse to give us any. It's a terrible feeling to know that I could compel water and give it to the thirsty but with the Aegis, there's no way I can use my skills.

The man isn't responding to the prods of the Motos. They pinch his arms and flick their fingers at his ears but he's not moving.

"Bench him," says Supreme Endeavour Officer Lewandowska. With a wave of her hand, she dismisses the man. I bet the poor man only needed a drink of water and some cool air. She shows no compassion by ignoring his thirst.

The GlobalGov does not see me. The GlobalGov does not see my sisters, my family, Aeternians. We're nothing but a means to an end. We give Sebastian power. We give him control. That's it. Something in me changes. I'm taking control of me from now on.

The next morning I spit my food out at a Moto. It has been several days since I've last met with Greg and after what I saw yesterday, I'm about to explode from worry. I need to hear something, anything, that'll get us out of here.

I'm grabbed by the throat and tossed to the ground by the arresting Moto. There, he kicks me until I faint. I wake up in a dark cell.

Everything hurts. I try lifting my head but a pounding pain makes me set it back down. I hear murmurs around me but I can't open my eyes. I feel terrible. A hand touches my forehead and I wince, expecting another attack.

"Hi," says a calming voice. "It's me."


"I'm so sorry," he says. "I got here as soon as I could. I wish I could have stopped them."

I can't talk. It's like I have a wooden spoon stuck in my mouth. My tongue is swollen from the beating. My knee feels like it has rocks in it. But having Greg by my side makes some of the mist of pain clear.

"I have news of Rassel," says Greg. "He'll meet with you. He's coming to the Habitant camp in three weeks."

"Three weeks!" I attempt to choke out. That might as well be three hundred years.

"It'll give you a chance to heal. For now, rest. You're going to have to spend the next few days in the Habitant Readjustment Facility but know I'll be thinking about you."

He touches my cheek. Gently. That's all I remember until the next day. His news keeps me focused on getting better. Every time I move though, I hit a bruise or a bump or a lump that flashes my whole body with hurt. A few days later, a Moto announces I'm fit for work and sends me to my post.

, Hyla, Chuck and Tal about Rassel's upcoming meeting.

"He'll be here in about two and a half weeks?" asks Tal. "That's fast. You're lucky that he's a friend of your father's."

"Not my father," says Hyla.

"None of that matters," says Tal, waggling her finger. "You got the meeting. Better get Greg to tell you how to deal with the other Motos."

I'm tired. Really tired. I wasn't even this tired after my walk from Nakimu to Calgary. I need to lie down. I need to rest.

I can't take another beating.

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