[chapter twenty nine] new orleans

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Aires pov...

So much was happening. The last thing we needed was for me to throw another bump in our lives with a trip to New Orleans- however, nobody, me included, could deny that it was much needed.

"What about Malia?" I asked whilst cocking my head to face the honey eyed boy who let out a low groan.

"For the last time Ree, this isn't up for debate. The plane is already in the air."

"Yeah because a certain somebody told Chris."

Not long after I told the truth to everyone, Chris showed up. It turned out that Allison had him on call the whole time and as soon as he arrived at the animal clinic with four plane tickets in hand I knew I was screwed. Aiden opted out of the trip, he was refusing to speak to me after I said that Stiles was the one that I had to shoot.

"This trip messes up everything. Our priority should be Malia, we need to save her-"

"We need to save you too Ree Ree. Look, everything fine back home, they have it all covered. First they need to track down Malia to get a rough idea on where she is, that could take days. We are only here in New Orleans for two of those and the day we get back we will all put together a plan. They need to find Malia first before anything happens. Okay? So stop stressing out."

A frustrated sigh left my lips as I threw my head back. I knew we needed to talk to Freya, to get a clearer idea of what was going on, but the timing just seemed incredibly off. Both Allison and Chris sat behind us, snoring away, leaving me and Stiles to speak freely.

"What happened after you shot me, Aires?" He asked, throwing me off and sending a chill shooting up my spine.


"After you shot me, how did you escape?"

With a roll of my eyes, I sunk further into the seat and nestled my head between my hands as I squeezed my eyes tightly shut.

"No, you don't." He whispered before yanking me by my arms and lifting me onto the empty seat beside him, the one placed next to the window with no escape past his body. "Talk." He demanded.

"I flew my way out." I hissed bluntly. "Yeah I grew a pair of pretty pink fairy wings, it was awesome."

Even under his hard glare, I couldn't stop the smirk from curling on my lips as I narrowed my eyes back in challenge. He was always pushing and pushing, and lately I was growing sick of it.

"Okay." He hummed, the annoyance was clear in his tone. "Either talk now, or talk in front of everyone else later."


"What's going on Ree? It's me. You can talk to me."

I couldn't though.

"What happened over the summer? What happened in France?"

This couldn't have been happening. He was asking questions, questions I refused to fucking answer.

"Stiles, nothing is going on, I'm fine." I forced out through clenched teeth.

"Aires, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like you are okay. You don't do ballet anymore, you don't attend class and when you do it's like you're not even there. Every time I climb up to your window you're gone. Please, please talk to me."

"Why?" I hissed with a scowl. "You don't get to do that Stiles! You don't get to swoop in and try to be the hero. You pushed me away for weeks, you stopped answering my calls, you ignored me! You acted like I didn't even exist to you anymore."

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