77. put your lips on my skin and you might ignite it

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"You've seen me naked before," Loki said, and was very amused by how red Mobius's cheeks turned.

"Come on," he purred. "You've basically seen every moment of my entire life, Agent Mobius. Surely, you've watched me take a shower before,"


Pairing: Loki/Mobius M. Mobius

This is basically soft p0rn so click away if you're not comfortable with it.


Mobius supposed it wasn't so terrible an idea, after all. Stupid, yes. Risky, sure. But not...fruitless. Because they did learn something new, new lead that might help them get another step closer to the Variant. So they were hiding in an apocalypse. Sneaky. But definitely something a Loki would do. Part of Mobius felt somewhat dumb: he should've figured this out himself long ago, having earned himself the title of a Loki Expert.

Hunting down the Variant could wait, however. Right now, Mobius looked down at himself and Loki, they needed a shower. That might just be when Mobius realized this was gonna be a problem.

It was a rough field trip: their little travel to Pompeii, where they barely escaped with their lives: Loki yelling and Mobius frantically opening the Time Door — while running for his life, too — before they both jumped through it. The heat of the burning lava chasing right behind them, before the Time Door closed just in time.

He took another glance at Loki, who was panting beside him. Though he was smiling, a hint of mischief so clear behind his eyes that it was obvious he enjoyed being out. Sweat covered his skin, dust and ashes all over his body. Mobius knew he, himself, was in no different state than his prisoner-turned-colleague-turned — no, Loki was just a colleague. A business partner, one could say. But not... friend. They might've started slowly warming up to each other, but Mobius knew better than to trust Loki enough to let his own guard down and consider Loki a friend, knowing that would be exactly when Loki stabbed him in the back: when Mobius let his guard down.

But Loki... taking in Loki's condition, that was in no way different than a dirty puppy who had too much fun in the muddy backyard garden, that was in no way different than Mobius's own condition, yes, he needed a shower. They both needed to shower.

Which was... gonna be a problem.

Oh, this was gonna be a problem. No doubt.


Mobius knew, even if they didn't go to Pompeii, he would sooner or later find himself facing the problem. He just hoped he could prolong the inevitable, the awkwardness, and maybe the murder attempt Loki might commit, too, after Mobius let him know he was going to have to be supervised, by no one but Mobius himself, during his... private moment.

"No," Mobius had said, back in Ravonna's office, insisted. "No, that's... that's a violation of privacy. Come on,"

And Ravonna had rolled her eyes at him. "You're making it sound like we're a bunch of perverts."

"Well... aren't we?"

"Jesus Christ, Mobius, it's a standard protocol. You know that." Her voice, Mobius knew, was final, with no room left for any further argument.

Yes, yes, he knew it was a standard protocol that an inmate must be supervised by their supervisor at all time. Still, it didn't make it feel less creepy and wrong in Mobius's opinion. Mobius was no nobleman, but he believed he was decent enough a man that watching someone shower wasn't what he was looking forward to. But it was a part of the job. And it wasn't like he had a choice.

Back to the present, with Loki, and his (surprisingly?) smug smile, in Mobius's apartment (because Mobius figured his bathroom in his apartment would be better, more private, than the public bathing area the TVA provided for its inmates), Loki took the news better than Mobius expected.

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