They find out you're being bullied/harassed

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• You tell her while she's planting some new things in her room.

• She freezes, staring into space for a long moment, and a tiny, unsettling smile of pure rage appears on her face.

• "They did what to you?"

• She gets up and grows some of her famous strangling vines.

• "Luisa!" she shouts as she storms out. "Put down the donkey, we have a person to visit."


• She acts immediately, marching straight to the person with determination written all over her.

• She catches them right in the act and puts a hand on their shoulder.

• "Excuse me," she says softly, every syllable trembling with fury. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Dolores."

• Obviously, they look at her in absolute terror—because Dolores.

• "Why don't we go down to La Casa Madrigal and have a chat?" she offers, tilting her head innocently as her eyes scream the desire for bloodshed.


• At first, she looks utterly panicked and puts her hands on your shoulders.

• "You're not kidding, are you? If you are it's not funny."

• She realizes you aren't, and her features instantly harden.

• She straightens up and wordlessly marches from the Casita.

• Later, she returns, and she still looks furious, but there are suspicious dirt stains on her clothes.

• "They won't bother you again," she promises you before going off to calm down.

• You see the bully the next day, and they're covered head-to-toe in bruises.


• She tears up and hugs you tightly.

• "Why didn't you tell me sooner? I could have helped you right away! Wait—no, you're already so brave for telling me now."

• She holds your face and kisses your nose before sprinting away to get her parents.

• She got bullied a lot for not having a gift and they always had her back, so they're the first people she thought of to help.

• She doesn't give away any details, she just informs them who needs to be dealt with.


• He looks furious, but forces it back to give you a hug. "I'm so sorry. No one should have to deal with bullies like that."

• He pulls away and begins looking thoughtful. "I need to find a way to ruin that...person's life."

• "No, don't object," he says, covering your mouth. "I'm going to help. You can't stop me."


• He puts an arm around you, looking down at the floor with an unreadable expression.

• "I know how it feels. People hated me for my gift. But you? Why would anyone want to...? You're too good for this."

• He stands up suddenly. "I need to visit my vision cave. I'll see you later, okay?"

• A couple days later, your bully looks highly freaked out.

• You find out it's because ~someone~ told him when they were going to die, but left out the month and year.


• A thundercloud forms instantly, and she grabs a bat that was conveniently leaning against the wall.

• Looking like a total frightening badass, she kisses your head and says, "I'll be right back."

• After she leaves, lightning can be seen all around the Encanto, covering up the sound of terrified shrieking.


• Agustín sees the look on her face and says, "Julieta, I know what you're th—"

• She cuts him off, speaking through a grit-toothed smile. "Amor, get the arepas. I want them to refresh with every blow."


• A dark shadow crosses his face, and he goes off to confront the bully immediately.

• He hits them as hard as he can before fiercely going off in Spanish.

• "¿Crees que puedes tratar a mi ángel así y salirte con la tuya? ¡Pues te equivocas! Vete al infierno, bastardo".

• He gets extremely embarrassed at accidentally calling you "mi ángel", but he's too pissed off to care very much.

• That is, unless you confront him.

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