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I awoken in a strange bed. My chest is as heavy as it can be. Right, I am at the orphanage. I stare at the bandage in my hand. This wound can be healed if I want to. But I let it stay there. It is a reminder of all the things I couldn't have. I peeked at the window and noticed the vampires and wolves around, Duke's guards and Aiden's warriors.

*Knock*Knock.* I opened the door and found Artie.

"I heard what happened. How are you?"

I just stared at her.

"Right. If you want, I can kill that Prince."

"No. I will kill him myself." He threatened Riri and the orphanage, he should answer for what he's done.

"Can you?" I narrowed my eyes. What does she mean? "A blade can turn dull if left unpolished."

I haven't taken a life for years, I wished not to do it without reason. But this is enough.

"A blade is still a blade."

She sighed. "It is."

The orphanage is in hard lockdown. No one is allowed to go out or come in. To prevent panic, the kids are asked to do some activities in the dining hall. Miriel and Dana, a vampire, take care of the little ones. I don't want to be near any kids right now. I can't try to smile or talk to them.

"You should check on Riri, the girl's pretty shaken up." Artie said before heading towards the dining hall.

Last night, Ri was trembling in fear. They threatened her and everyone else. That's unforgivable.

I headed towards her room, after knocking, I heard Theo's voice say, "Come in."They are sitting side by side. But Ri doesn't have her usual smile. I have never seen her like this.

"Can I talk to her?"

Theo hesitated at first, seeing the condition of his mate, he wouldn't want anyone to go near her.


"You should rest for a while, I'll accompany her. Don't worry. I won't leave her."

He nodded before whispering to Riri, "I will go out for a while, okay? Thena is here."

I waited until he left, and sat beside her.

"Ri." I started.

I should've known something was wrong. Her inaction bothers me most.

"Neechan is here." Her head was bowed, she couldn't even look at me. "Ri. Don't worry. I will not let him take you. I will protect you and the others. Okay?"

"He said I am his mate." She whispered.

"He's not. No soulmate will do such a thing on their own." Yet, Aiden did that.

"But he said..."

"He is not your soulmate." I repeated. "and even if he is, you have the right to make your own decision without any threat. They should not force you to do something you do not like."

"But the orphanage..."

I fully faced her. "Will be safe. I will protect you and everyone else, I promise. Neechan is strong, you know?"

"Huh?" She seems to be recalling what happened last night. "How did you do that? There were a lot of them."

Maybe I should tell her, so she will have peace of mind. It is not exactly a deep secret but I am not proud of it.

"I have magic powers."

"Wo–" Her mouth is slightly agape from my confession. Revealing that I am a guardian won't matter. "Are you joking?"

"No, really. That's how I found you." It was Duke who knew the location. "So, you see, you don't have to worry. Okay?"

She nodded, drawing a small smile.

"That's my Ri."

We talked about something more about the kids wanting stories, Basil wanting to be a chef, etc. Until Theo came back. I told her to rest since she did not have her day-off yesterday. And I suppose, these two can talk to each other.

"Hey." Duke was waiting in the corridor. I remember our phone call, I told him that I will rest today.

"You can't rest easy, I know. Can we talk somewhere else?" He lent out his hand. He means not in this place where there are many ears.

I sighed and took his hand. Teleporting us both to the higher side of the mountain overlooking the orphanage.

"Since when?" he asked.

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