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All Players arrived.

Game Start: Red Light Green Light

Difficulty: 3 of Spades ♠️

Time: 12mins

Game Rules:
All Players Start at the white line.
They must reach the red line and enter the safe zone before the time limit ends.
Players can only move when the puppet is isn't facing them and saying green light. Only the first five people to make it into the safe zone will win.

Rules of Death:
Player moved while the puppet was watching and saying red light.
Player didn't make it to the safe zone in time
5 Players have already entered the safe Zone.

Starting down on my phone in absolute shock about what I just heard even tho the man explained that I could die in here it still didn't seem as real as it does now.

My hand shaking a bit and stress sweat forming in my forehead I looked at the other players to see their reaction.


None seemed to be bothered by the fact that 7 of us aren't going to walk out of this mall ever again.

I looked at the man with glasses on first sight he did seem unbothered but if you look good enough you can see him nervously tapping his fingers and sweat building on his forehead.

I looked at the other players in more detail to in order to distract myself from the fact that I could die in the next 15min. And if you look good enough everyone was at least a bit nervous.

They all seemed to hold on to these fake facade so no one will notice how nervous they are and pursue them as weak.

Well I failed that task in the first minute I got here but to my defense it was my first game ever so it's good that it's such a low difficultly.

As I watched the other players I realized that I'm so not dressed for this hunger games reality and it made me even more uncomfortable.

But if I die I'll at least be pretty.

The countdown for the game start was almost over so everyone went to the white line and focused on the big puppet with creepy eyes that was facing all of us.

The distance to the red line ( the safe zone) was longer than expected is was at the very end of the mall, so probs as big as a soccer field.

Game Start

The puppet let out a robotic laugh before saying red light in a childish voice.

And than a memory flashed into my head.

I knew that game it's a children's game I always used to play in Korea. I was always the best which pissed off most of the kids I played with.

I can win this, none of the other players seem to know the game.

This is my advantage.

With that memory the adrenaline mixed with confidence got me almost exited to play and win now.

The nervous look on my face turned into a confident smirk.

The puppet turned around but before it said green light one of the boys in the group of 5 started running.

The puppet turned around so quick that I flinched a little.

It's eyes turned red and shouting a laser right thru his skull, blood splashing on all of his friends behind him.

The girls screamed and cried while his lifeless body collapsed on the ground.

I stood there not yet proceeded what just happen in a total state of shock but before I could think more about what just happened the puppet turned back around and said green light.

I hate you but I love you /// Alice in Boderland/// Chishiya+ Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now