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Jaden's classroom in the picture.

Justin's POV

It was Tuesday afternoon and I had just left our early morning workout on the way to pick Jaden up from preschool. Tonight I was taking Aryanna to dinner just because she deserves it. Walking into the building I walked down the long hallway stopping in front of the door that said Mrs. Macy's K4 class. Once inside I heard someone scream "Daddy!!!" and felt little arms wrap around my leg. "Hey baby bear!" I exclaimed scooping her up and holding her on my hip. Mrs. Macy came over with the sign out clip broad and to tell me about Jaden's behavior "Mr. Combs how are you today?" Mrs. Macy asked shaking my hand. "I'm great! Thanks for asking." She handed me the clip board and I signed Jaden out. I sat her down on her feet and she ran off to get her things. "Jaden has been doing very well lately. She is still having trouble writing without flipping her letters backwards." Mrs. Macy stated. Jaden is dyslexic although she is very, very smart. She was diagnosed with it last year and moved to special classes. In her special classes she was the fastest learning one so this year they moved her back to regular. It was easy for her to read but hard for her to write . Some letters she couldn't do at all and other she would flip upside down or backwards. "She's certainly has come a long way. I'm very proud. Continue working with her at home." Mrs. Macy said. I was so proud of Jaden. I thanked her and we said our goodbyes. "Where mommy?" Jaden asked assuming that she was talking about Aryanna. "She's at school too." I told her looking both ways then grabbing her hand to cross the street. Aryanna enrolled in a local community college to get her business degree and I couldn't be more proud of my baby. I dropped Jaden off at my mom's house then went home to get dressed for my date.


Aryanna's POV

I ran my hand's over my light pink knee length dress that I had paired with my nude pumps. My hair was in a neat low bun and my makeup was simple. To say I was excited about tonight was an understatement. Justin was really trying to show me how much I mean to him and I was enjoying every minute of it. I grabbed my clutch and began to walk to the living room. As I was about to sit on the couch the doorbell rang. I practically ran to answer it. "Hello beautiful." Justin said leaning down to place a sweet kiss on my lips then handing me a bouquet of red roses. "Thank you." I said placing them on the table next to the door. "Shall we?" He said reaching out his hand for me to grab.

"Justin this is beautiful." I said looking around at the rooftop dinner he had planned. "You deserve to be treated as a queen and for so long I took advantage of you. I won't do that again. I promise." He grabbed me by the small of my back hugging me. Faintly in the background you could hear John Legend's You & I playing. We held each other and I couldn't control the tears that ran down my face. "What's wrong? You don't like this song? I can change it." Justin said nervously. I shook my head "No I'm fine. I'm just really happy. I love you." I told him. He relaxed "I love you too."

Finally everything was right again.


And.... SCENE!!!!!
How cute are they?
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