Yelling [chapter 28]

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That next morning, Peter woke up to the sight of miscellaneous objects under his bed and the sun shining brightly on his face. He let out a sigh, rolling onto his back. Peter intertwined his fingers together and placed them gently on his stomach. His eyes stared upwards, watching the ceiling fan above as it spun around and around.

Why was Peter on the floor?

Well, ladies, and gentlemen, and everything in between, Peter insisted on her comfort. Or maybe he more so feared her.

She stated firmly that she was sleeping on the bed. She also stated that she wasn't going to allow him to sleep in the same bed as her. And, not wanting to anger his damsel, decided to go along with it. He knew he could've slept on the couch in the living room downstairs, but that was too much work. So he got cozy on the ground above a pile of clothes.

Peter heard a groan come from underneath the mass of covers atop his bed. He didn't even have to move his head to watch the Kraken arise from her sea of blankets. His eyes trailed away from the fan and over to her.

Her hair was a disheveled disaster. The shirt of his that she had borrowed was hanging off one of her shoulders. She had the most pissed off look occupying her face. Maybe that was just her default emotion. Even in her state of what appeared to be anger, she looked like the most beautiful person in the world.

Peter determined that, if angels existed, she was definitely one of them.

"Morning, Sunshine," Peter greeted her from her slumber.

She stopped scanning the room angrily and let her eyes snap down to the boy peacefully laying on the floor next to her. Her eyes were dangerous. There was something about them after she just woke up that made Peter's mind scream at him to be cautious. At the same time, they were the most alluring things in the world.

With the small amount of sleep dancing around in them as well as the slight innocence that she always seemed to have, he found them to be beautiful. It was honestly starting to get creepy, the amount of small things Peter loved about her.

He got a hoarse hum that he would've assumed wasn't even one of acknowledgment if it hadn't been for the fact her eyes were trained on him. "What time is it?"

Oh, God.

Peter found that his heart was beating far quicker than it's normal pace. His mind found the sound of her morning voice far too attractive. It was pitiful, truly. He forced his eyes closed and brought a hand up to further keep them closed, willing his mind to function properly.

Where could he start? The time. She asked what time it was. He'd check the time.

Peter blindly let his hands feel the area next to him, wrapping around his phone when it found it. He peeled his other hand away from his eyes and peeked them open. Peter tapped on the screen of the device, "Almost nine."

"Alright," she sleepily nodded her head. A yawn erupted from her lips as she thought over last night. Her cheeks tingled when she remembered her moment of weakness and how she had actually initiated a kiss or two with Peter. Then she breezed quickly by to after the kiss in hopes of slowing down her heart. "Can you go get Flash?"

"Get Flash?" Peter echoed in disgust. He stood up from the floor, stretching his arms above his head to accidentally reveal the baby abs he had underneath his shirt. "How and why?"

He was too busy thinking about the reason she would possibly need Flash when he was standing right in front of her to notice her ogling at him. She was quickly pulled out of her trance when he stopped stretching and his shirt fell back down in the process of him doing so.

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